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Everything posted by akroorka

  1. Very cool Mojo, I think that they were made to look this way for a desktop or decorative itemā€”not a marbleā€”just a cool globe with bubblesā€”I dig em. Marbleā€”On!!
  2. Yes hand gathered and machine rounded. Three sizes---25mm, 45mm and 50mm. The 25mm are the most abundant as they were sold in nets by TOY-R-US. The other two sizes were only by special order. (and maybe in gift shopsšŸ¦„) The sizes vary plus or minus because of the hand-gathered aspect. Every one that I have has a clear transparent base. Some have gold Lutz involved (killerā€”I have nonešŸ¤‘). They can be a bugger to ID because there are some contemporary makes that look very similar. I will not name them here because I have brain fog todayšŸ˜µ. Marbleā€”On!!
  3. I am getting Jabo vibes here. Nice marble--More opinions are needed. Marble--On!!
  4. Nice marbles, speaking of kids the last one does look like it was stuck under a school desk for awhilešŸ˜. Marble--On!!
  5. It is good to see that they are still out there. Nice score for surešŸ€. I wish you many more. Thanks for sharing this. Marble--On!!
  6. No Steph, Not an Akro Leopard ( I know that onešŸ˜) I am signing out--good luck all!! Marble--On!!
  7. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00006IEJ9/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1 My window is under a big over-hang--the rain will wash it off.
  8. Red Cloud--- It might be a Champion--not a Red Cloud. Marble--On!!
  9. One worked right out of the box--the other needed charging. This is a first for me--a battery with a charging outlet in the battery---cool beans! They both work quite well. Thanks Steph!
  10. I have bird eyes and can see that it does not--so I did not ask. Marble--On!!
  11. I do not think so Fire. I checked the website and there is nothing really very close. It is rare to find a Vacor with this kind of play damage as well. I suppose that someone could have been bouncing it on the side walk---oh well. marble--on!!
  12. I think that this one is a Master Made vs a Master Glass marble--an older one. Marble--On!!
  13. No Fire. But I have a new thing for you to check out. Birds can detect UV reflected light. I have a large picture window that I try to keep birds from hitting. It is near our main bird feeder. The best thing that I found was to put a grid of bright yellow marker on the outside, It glows like the dickens under UV light and you can see the birds veer away from it as they approach. You have chickens---soā€”an experiment may be in order. ā€œDoctor (does it glow) Fireā€ and a new experiment in the making. I think that it worth a shot. Just sayin, Marbleā€”On!!
  14. I am not about making this too hard. Good luck to all!! 9/16ā€ USA made. Marbleā€”On!!
  15. By the way, At Oxford U this is pudding. We have been getting hammered with English terms here in Wisconsin because the GB Packers have finally been sent there. The last to hold out I believe, to going overseas or to a foreign stadium. Go Pack!!
  16. Nice images Joe2. That baby really sparkles! Marble--On!!
  17. This one is big and it took some nice hits as well. Not Akro or Pelt imho. Vitro. All opinionsā€™ are welcomed and needed. Marbleā€”On!!
  18. I should have said three colors because "Silvers" have two kinds of white--usually. Wispy/stringy and a kind of not too clear but not opaque white--cloudy I would say. I am used to seeing them with a more "Bloody"--runny(not so brownish) type of oxblood. Marble--On!!
  19. OOOH! It sure look slaggie doesn't it. It may be a WVS imho. You really have to look hard at this one. All opinions are welcomed. Marbleā€”On!!
  20. We have seen some of these lately here on the Marbleconnection. Czech "Bullet Mold" marbles made into/designed as beads. Very cool imho. Marble--On!!
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