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Everything posted by akroorka

  1. I suck at WVS but I will say Alley Agate here. I do not think that it is an Akro, oxblood yes, Akro no. As always, more opinions are needed. Nice marble! Marble--On!!
  2. I have been challenged on the looks of the second one before. It may be an Alley Agate--just sayin. I think that it is an Akro "Milky Oxblood" More opinions are needed. Nice marble that one. Marble--On!!
  3. akroorka


    I can feel what the Fire has cooking here—Vacor “Van Gogh”. I really think that you may have a misbehaving Akro corkscrew there. I will not lose an ear if I am wrong though. More opinions are needed (I just love Van Gogh) Marble—On!!
  4. I see no Oxblood but is more than likely an Akro Patch. Nice marble! I welcome all opinions. Marble--On!!
  5. I would say that it is probably a slightly messed up Vitro "All Red" More opinions are needed and always welcomed. Marble--On!!
  6. To find this type of Akro, the OP, with orange is not common in my experience. If it lights up under UV light I would consider it "Pretty Darn Nice" and rare in my world. The second one that you posted also looks like it will light up under UV light--very nice. I suck at names, maybe someone will help out with them----? Marble--On!!
  7. Now that is a nice group! Love it. Marble--On!!
  8. I am far from an expert with wire-pulls. I have a few and I do appreciate them. I suggest waiting for more input from the others. In the meantime, here is a link to enjoy and learn from, from AAM. https://www.allaboutmarbles.com/viewtopic.php?t=22893&sid=c59888fcbdf857cd0c663530a31b18cb That is another nice marble and I cannot say that I have seen one like it before. I would call it a wire pull, probably Veiligglas. More opinions are needed and welcomed. Marble—On!!
  9. Just do an ebay search and be sure to look at all of the info on the back of the boxes and headers. Imperial is all over the world with marble purchases. Marble--On!!
  10. No they do not all have orange peel. It seems to be more common in Vacors than any other make though, maybe all of the rest put together. The bigger ones suffer from it more than the smaller ones in my experience. Yours looks like a “Centipede” to me. Nice one! Marble—On!!
  11. That first shot is pretty cool--love it! Marble--On!!
  12. That is a nice big one. I have a smaller one like that that I always thought was a Veiligglas wirepull. Nice marble. More opinions are needed and welcomed. Marble—On!!
  13. Yes "Comets". Nice images as well. Marble--On!!
  14. No sweat my marble collecting friend--Just my own form of levity. I have a dry wit sometimes, but plenty of wit😁. Marble--On!!
  15. The first one is interesting because of the weird little swirl cutoff. I still think that is machine made. Let’s just say Champion because I have not heard it in a while. It could be anything—Pretty marble though. The second one reminds me of a Vacor but I cannot name it tonight. No Pelts in the OP. All opinions are welcomed and needed. Marble—On!!
  16. Laugh out loud--this deserves it spelled out. I will always have an opinion, sometimes I hold back—until it is needed, mostly it is not. Thanks to you all for the greatest opinions on Marbles ID on the Inter-web. Marble—On!!
  17. Well, you have two more than I do, A very nice Master again. Marble--On!!
  18. OK, This post has not really had closure for the OP. I opened it up with my Vacor images so I will try to finish it with some more research. These images are from another net of Vacor “Sea Turtles”. Two of them from the same net. I tried to get the same effect as the OP with many different shots and lighting. These are two different marbles out of a “Sea Turtle” net. Believe me, they are one opaque color and one transparent color—nuff--said. The transparent color distorts the opaque color when under the transparent color.----Blue and yellow makes what? I did find one with some white on the surface, surprise—NO!--- all marble makers had their flaws. I always try and I am convinced that the OP is a Vacor “SeaTurtle” Research Vacor’s and be rewarded---They made/make some great ones. Just do not get fooled. Marble—On!!
  19. Go ask and dig them---worth the while imho--very nice!
  20. I will get this one out of the way-- Popeye👇?
  21. Nice, well filled, Rainbo---No doubt in my mind. A very Nice one! Marble--On!!
  22. This all that I can say my friend--Backlight them all. We are in a new age and the descriptions from the manufacturers were long past and under very dim light. Imaging or describing a marble under gas or the earlier electric lights that we do not have, or cannot really envision. It is time to open our minds to this concept and accept that the term “opaque” may be what it was, not what it is today. Just my thoughts--- Marble—On!!
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