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Everything posted by Alan

  1. Opinion (and no slight to any surviving marble clubs): I think marble clubs waned ~2 decades ago. If you are in OH/PA - you are not far from big Ohio and WV marble shows. As a veteran of marble shows for a long time, I think you can learn more, see more, meet far, far more knowledgeable people, handle more marbles and learn the glass faster than any three clubs could ever offer. A day of hands-on experience at a big show is worth 100 times more than a years worth of experience at a marble club. The diversity of material, condition and knowledge is incredible as you visit the rooms. Footnote: The days (and nights) BEFORE the show is where you really learn. Not the day of the show.
  2. What does "GWSI" and "CE" mean?
  3. >95% of my Ravenwoods are directly from the 1987 Ravenwood factory crate find. The other 5% are all brown base blue or greens.
  4. They are reflectors. Also used in railroads, etc.
  5. If you back your camera up and use manual center focus selection - your pics will come into focus.
  6. Some of those are reflecting UV light - not reactive to it.
  7. To my memory, of all of the Hamon family that worked glass (quite a few), all of them were tank glass or Moretti. This piece is boro. The middle initial doesn't match any of the Hamons that I know of personally. There was a "RDH Glass" that worked boro in the early 2000's and sold on Ebay, IIRC. I haven't seen them in years and don't know the artist's name or if they just used "RDH Glass". The technique is common to boro artists and in my experience, boro artists tend to borrow technique from each other liberally.
  8. Its not etching. Its known as a brushed patch.
  9. I lean to "not a Popeye". The photos are way out of focus.
  10. Looks like a buffed Indian. The black doesn't look like that for an original surface Indian.
  11. Its a pitted ball bearing, not a Steelie.
  12. Is is a "collection" of known collectible types - or an "accumulation"?
  13. These were (best I can tell) give-aways to some DOE visitors. It started as a clear marble. I got mine a long time ago at a show. Its interesting because I have seen very, very few surface in the past 20 years.
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