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Everything posted by Alan

  1. Alan

    4 uv swirls

    I think you'll find that those are *reflecting* UV light, not reacting to it.
  2. Looks more like someone's torch work that had a bit of a problem.
  3. Swirl. The yellow seems quite exaggerated, artificial . Maybe your camera has "Vivid" setting set to 'on'.
  4. Alan

    1 and 1/4

    No ID from me. Its new glass - and cool looking.
  5. That rings my 'foreign' bell.
  6. Vacor. Try to not associate glass imperfections with handmades.
  7. Yes - but can you swing the $20,000. price tag? Don't try to bargain me down! I know what I've got™ ! ! !
  8. The second one is a Submarine Onionskin Cobra with Chocomib Mica.
  9. I find the smooth and convenient shifting of sales name that William noted to be perhaps unsurprising and even more disturbing.
  10. Thats quite a bargain - on a $20,000. marble!
  11. Talk about the blind-leading-the-blind. And I do enjoy the waffle-words "somewhat similar". The more you write about your lack of knowledge and ridiculous unnamed sources - the more ridiculous you make your $20,000.00 price and yourself look. You should lock that Jabo in a bank vault.
  12. Allow me to distill what you said above for readers in a hurry: "Money, money, money and money". Your singular focus and interest is obvious by your own writings. I can recommend that you stick to the diamond industry that you seem to know so well. By your own admission - you are attempting to sell a marble that you have no idea what it is by claiming it is extraordinarily rare in the desperate attempt to pocket $20,000.00 before anyone wakes up to reality.
  13. If you don't know what it is - why did you decide to list it as an ultra-rare marble at a price of $20,000.00? Claiming that it is the closest match in a book is simply not credible. Why did you decide it was ultra rare - instead of very common one? Why $20,000.00 instead of $0.50? Some people's motivations and ethics speak for themselves.
  14. Get people riled up with a ridiculous price. Start a buzz (this board is helping). Let the buzz build. Cut the price for a (still silly) ridiculously priced, beat-up Jabo. Some gullible fish will bite.
  15. If one poured molten glass in a hole (which given how small they are, would be next to impossible), the marble would be flat-topped.
  16. Alan

    What ?

    That look like UV reflection, not UV reaction. Its a swirl, not a slag.
  17. Try to not look at glass imperfections in a marble as indicators that it is handmade/transitional. Look at the whole marble.
  18. 3 inner bands. The outer bands were a separate roll after a clear gather.
  19. I'm by no means suggesting that others may not be interested in such a service. I'm just pointing out my take on it (regardless of a possible provider).
  20. I don't see collectors giving up the tactile dimension of owning a marble, handling it while considering purchase and display. I have experience with slabbed coins - but rare coins and comic books degrade from handling. Marbles don't. Maybe because I've been doing this a long time and learned marble grading >25 years ago before everything out there became "near mint" and damage became known as "as mades". I don't need to depend on someone else to tell me what the condition is, and I don't fancy marbles sonically welded into little plastic cubes with a piece of paper. As for the link above, I got this:
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