Ken, I doubt if Brian ever saw this one, as I can't remember if we ever took it to Amana. It did have a Peach base. I wrote about it in the other post (Big Guinea). We bought it in'92 and sold it in '93 in one of Bob Blocks catalog auctions. It was 29/32s and at the time, was the largest known. It did have a blow hole but that didn't bother too much. I don't know who bought it but did hear that it was someone from one of the NW states.
By the way, that's a beauty that Lou is showing for you!!! There just aren't many of those Big Ones around, are there?
The small one showing is 5/8th I think. Sorry I only have two pictures of this guy (the other on my Website) and neither one is very good. (before digital of course) --mm--