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Dave 13

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Everything posted by Dave 13

  1. That’s the one I’m thinking might be the heavy hitter
  2. Thx Ric yes that raspberry one is in my favourite Bo self Thx William
  3. Wow nice group of marbles and marble bags from everyone ,William snuck a nice CAC in there Two mibs 5 pics each
  4. Happy Pelt Tuesday Good to see you back William & Rick It’s been awhile since I posted so here’s a few mibs
  5. Hi I believe you got a Japan Figure 8 marble there 👍
  6. Happy WV Wednesday might need sunglasses for this 1st bright yellow game mib ,I really like a swirled up game mibs then the blue Alley not sure if it’s falls in the bacon 🥓 family and the last one might not even be a WVS I’m getting a wee little Jabo vibe from it but mostly WVS vibe
  7. You lucky guy that’s a big win 🏅 on that box thanks for showing us
  8. Thanks Carowill 👍 Cool Zebra’s the green one looks cool with that little outline of black by the green ribbon
  9. Thanks Art 👍 nice colourful group of pelt seeds you must of just watered them I see a couple “Muddy” spots lol
  10. Hi Joe I think that is a possibility 👍 Nice mib Joe I’m not sure if it’s lutz or AV but cool it’s got some sprinkle to it
  11. For my Sundays Best I believe it’s a WVS ,I don’t think we ever got a positive ID on this one when it was in the ID section ,couple cool backlit shots for Art one has the creepy black ring bubble 🫧 👻
  12. Nice little library of books Chad 👍 Unique looking HM Ric 👍 Cool little parrot 🦜 Art 👍
  13. Happy Slags & Swirls Saturday nice ones everybody here’s a few more out of the Alox bag 💼
  14. Hi that is one of the 3 mibs I’ve seen called Motor oil thx for posting it 👍but I’ve read info from a seasoned collector about the other two that they called motor oil, I’m not going to name or post links hate to be the one pointing fingers 😎 but like I was saying this part of the hobby is confusing who do you believe in a situation like this
  15. Hi 🔥 no glow on this one, I forgot to put it under UV so thx for the reminder Thx for the ID Ric , Peltier Mibber and Carowill 👍
  16. Hi this one is 5/8 ,kinda stumped on this one ,the cuts look like Akro or vitro but the colour/ base has me confused thx for having a look
  17. Nice pelts everyone 👍 here is a boulder at just about 1 inch and one with pink
  18. Hi nice pelt Art cool link Chad I also read that the motor oil looks like the Ruby Slipper but looks like oil when backlit then I’ve head of a mib called 10-30 motor oil and seen another called motor oil that looks different then arts and the Ruby Slipper looking one with 3 ribbons here is the one I thought was a motor oil b4 doing more research and found out there’s to many mibs to the name so once again I’m lost in pelt land without a name lol ⬇️ last two pics are the Ruby Slipper
  19. Hi here is 3 out of the my bag and a pic of the staples they look rectangular, il post a few more of the mibs later 👍 Cool bag Jeff ,on mine the mesh got weak on the side and marbles started rolling out I think I half caused that from handling the bag to many times to try to look at the mibs ,there was no hole when I got the bag
  20. Hi Ric thx 👍here is the bag ,Ron S had a look and though they we’re Alox he could not give me the 100% by just the pics
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