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Dave 13

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Everything posted by Dave 13

  1. Nice ones Chad & crashbelt 👍 here is a cool colour Bennington
  2. Hi I agree with Melissa 👍the old school collectors might still not have any interest in them , but we got to remember the older then old school collectors had no interest in WVS back in the day ,everyone wanted German Hand mades and now lots of people are collecting them .Vacor’s are just like Marbles king the older vintage ones are better glass and nicer marbles then the present day ones that they keep making ,I have some killer older Vacor’s some with AV some with oxblood
  3. Nice ones Joe 👍 Happy WV Wednesday 1st one has a little AV 👀 ,last one is a little messed up with some drizzle but still one of my best Alleys, 2nd one is a Sistersville Alley
  4. Dave 13


    Hi I agree with Nate 👍
  5. Nice ones Joe 👍 I think it might be some ox 🩸in my 1st one ⬇️
  6. Happy pelt Tuesday 1st one looks like Akro cuts but I’m 80% it’s a pelt it’s got the cool feathering you see in there slags
  7. Lol yes I know I was just trying to make a funny it’s legal here in Canada now but I got to watch what I joke about online
  8. Hi I think the ones your showing that look like the colours are painted on are a little harder to find then the ones with the bumpy glass on them older vs newer
  9. Hi for my Sundays best we got a Akro or a Master , ether or I really like the colours
  10. Wild looking HM Jeff👍 it’s got nice looking ox 🩸
  11. Happy Slags & Swirls Saturday when your mibs look like you feel after a long week of work ,but its always fun playing with big toys at work
  12. I agree ,maybe 🔥has a shrink ray gun lol
  13. Hi I think your right on thinking they are Alley 👍I suck at WVS ID’s so I can’t help on your other ID posts today other then they all look like WVS
  14. Happy Akro Friday 1st one is a pee-wee with 2 backlit pics showing that there might be a little AV hidden in there 🤩 , 2nd one is close to pee-wee but it’s a little over so no go ,I might of posted it a few years ago and called it a pee-wee but I was wrong 😑
  15. Now that’s a cool Ox 🩸mib thx for posting it hopefully you post this black base Oxblood patch when you get a good photo
  16. Cool thanks for the heads up on the one I thought was a Aquamarine cool I knew I had seen your Vitro Chalky b4 thx for posting it yours has a nice layer of it 👍
  17. Fancy one Ric 👍that pink is hard to find on them
  18. The board man strikes again 😎 I’m thinking your stash is taking more then one room lol very nice HM mibs on that cool board
  19. Hi here’s a few more from the vault 1st one is a Aquamarine 2nd one I believe is another Chalky one thing I noticed on the other few Vitro iv seen on AAM there not loaded with it like the Alley Chalky 3rd is a Phantom Conqueror
  20. Very nice Gladys 👍 Cool gifted mibs are always extra special the opal is a nice addition 👍
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