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Dave 13

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Everything posted by Dave 13

  1. Nice Alley Metallic Carowill nice thick ribbon of metal
  2. Hi here’s a AV Jabo for this Sundays best
  3. Hi I agree with Chad #2 is giving me a little Heaton vibe cool drizzle mib either way 😎 Welcome to Marble Connection
  4. Very nice Carowill 👍 CAC’s yellow is hard to beat
  5. Ya that’s just another killer Alley with that pattern 👍nice one Ric
  6. How many would rather eBay use a soft close on there auction's ? ( soft close is if a bid is made in the last two min ,two more min is added on ) more then once on eBay i though I had won to be out bud in the last few seconds b4 closing ,bidders are sneaking on eBay lol ,I like soft close let’s the last two bidders battle it out money wise ,not who is faster on the keyboard sneaking in the last bid seconds b4 closing I would think soft close would benefit the sellers to
  7. Il add a couple with AV ,the gifted Shimmering Spruce is dripping with AV in some spots
  8. Hi they might be Heaton Sweet Potatoes I would wait for cheese to confirm my thoughts on that
  9. That’s a cool HM bead 👍 it’s not mint but not overly damaged decent price for now to bad it would cost me $30 to ship it to 🇨🇦
  10. Hi Ric nice Mib and cool backlit shot 👍 il take a guess at the maker and where it’s from 🤔 Alley from Sistersville ? 😎
  11. Happy WV Wednesday 1st one may be a Jackson ,2nd one has a little metal in it
  12. Happy MK Monday👍 3rd pic of the green hornet has a little red ribbon hiding in the base glass some made it on the green ribbon
  13. Wow very nice Ric 👍 cool to see some of the different colour combos, thx for sharing this bag full with us
  14. Hi here’s a foreign cat with a few colours cool colours
  15. Happy Slags & Swirls Saturday the red one is a little over 3/4 inch Nice Blue Lace Jeff
  16. That looks cool with the different colours of pee wee micas 👍
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