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Fuzzy Chubbs

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  1. Definitely a Tiger-Eye thatā€™s been rounded and polished Super neat! 1.3ā€ is a bit of a whopper IMO! I tumbled a batch to make earrings and a necklace for Motherā€™s Day when I was little. I distinctly remember her saying that the weeks of clanging in the garage was ā€œworth itā€ šŸ˜† (rock tumblers are NOISY)
  2. I commissioned a small "sack" of mibs from an experienced glass-blower (lamp-worker) who's relatively new to making marbles. I gave loose requests of colors and sizes, but left most of the decisions to Alec. I figured as a new collector, it would be fun to support a new maker. Elated with the results! I also added a photo of the group mixed with some antique/machine-mades that had similar characteristics.
  3. Superboy, as I understand, is a nickname for the blue/red/orange National Line Rainbo. If a NLR, then itā€™s a ā€œSuperboyā€. If itā€™s just a regular Rainbo, then it wouldnā€™t be a true ā€œSuperboyā€ - just shares similar colors. National Line were the earlier/earliest Rainbos, and are thus more rare and sought after - as I understand.
  4. Whatā€™s #1 look like backlit?!
  5. Also, I donā€™t think #1 is an ā€œAceā€ - although these cork names still make my head-spin. Iā€™ve read that ā€Acesā€ are quite a rare type of corks, and believe I have many mis-identified myself. The red would need to be opaque and the base would need to be a translucent milky white, which it looks more opaque. That said, Iā€™ve seen mention that the ā€œAceā€ bases can vary in translucence depending on the batch of glass and if it was early or late in the run. Some looking almost opaque, some looking almost transparent. Both #1 & #3 seem more like ā€œPrize-Namesā€ to me. Just my novice opinion #2 still seems like a door I donā€™t feel confident opening - eager to read otherā€™s thoughts!
  6. 1 and 3 are definite Akro Corks IMO Unsure on #2 ā€Specialā€ when referring to corks means 3 or more distinct opaque colors, excluding white as a color - as I understand. Which would mean #3 is not a ā€œSpecialā€, although it sure looks especially nice!!
  7. Extra sweet!!! Happy Birthday William!
  8. Seems to go both ways, Iā€™d try it šŸ˜† https://finance.yahoo.com/news/grey-poupon-unveils-mustard-wine-and-its-surprisingly-delicious-135410249.html
  9. Very cool bottle! I was able to dig up this small thread: https://www.antique-bottles.net/threads/henry-wichert-pickle.465574/
  10. Fuzzy Chubbs


    I canā€™t tell, are those black ribbons or is it just dark and transparent? looks like a MK to me if those are black ribbons, I would think it qualifies as some sort of Tiger? Maybe a Bengal Tiger (I donā€™t recall the qualifier, white in addition to orange/black)? Either way it has striking colors, I keep a similar one on my desk! I love MKs, although I donā€™t yet know much about them YET.
  11. I'll use the trophy react on "top-shelf" posts/comments that I believe deserve attention - whether it be the marble, knowledge, or fun. Although, I don't react to historic/archived posts... there is a TON of good info this community has posted over the years and I don't want to bomb notifications. I'd "like" every post in the "Mostly Pix - Master-Made" multiple times over if I had the ability and no restraint, along with many other dozens of threads. That said I'm now noticing my inability to react - I may have thumped myself in the settings, I was in there the other day
  12. The shape and distance of the seams tell me Akro However, the colors whisper Master in my ear I can also see Vitro, but I've yet to identify one - as much as I'd like to Whatever you are...
  13. I take it back, I'm leaning with Fire - Akro Cork w/ a drizzle of flair The more I visualize it in-hand, I don't see the ribbon patterns/lengths that I've come accustomed to with Bo's and the seams don't say pelt Cover the thin strip and it screams Akro cork imo I had never seen one like this before (or maybe it just didn't stick), so thank YOU Marbleized for sharing! Very neat! And thanks Fire!
  14. Gonna throw this out there - Pelt Rainbo Regardless, I really like that sandwiched ribbon of green
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