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Everything posted by Carowill

  1. ☹️Sorry to hear. You are in my prayers!
  2. I would put it with my CACs
  3. Nice score! I’ll bet you’re enjoying sorting through that group!
  4. The white is a very pearly white, consistent with Christensen.
  5. The Alley Carnival sold Monday for $550! https://www.facebook.com/groups/607007956106435/permalink/2811842868956255/
  6. Welcome to the Marble Connection!
  7. Welcome to the Marble Connection!
  8. One option is to go to a marble show near you. You’ll find people are happy to help you with identifying your marbles. Here is a list of marble shows: https://www.marblecollecting.com/marble-community/marble-show-calendar/ You can also take 2-3 at a time and post them here for further help.
  9. Carowill

    Id help

    CAC striped opaque IMHO
  10. Thank you, Chad, for keeping us up to date on all the Stephen Bahr videos. Very interesting!
  11. I’m going with Ravenswood
  12. Agree with Akro versus MFC.
  13. Hard to tell for sure from the pictures but I think it is a Ravenswood.
  14. Peltier Peerless Patch x 2
  15. Imperial was my first thought.
  16. It looks like a chemical reaction to the glass causing an etching or frosting.
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