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Everything posted by chicagocyclist

  1. Well, that makes a difference of course. Originally you posted it as 7/8, almost an inch.
  2. What does appear that I do have marbles from the original experiment or have the chance of it. The metallic on the industrial marble! The fancier colored Lawn Chair marbles were later.
  3. Fire, I have been doing some more research and this is where I am. The OP is not a Woodstock Lawn Chair marble. The Woodstock appears to be a multicolored swirl that had some metallicI that ultimately became known as Woodstock. They were red white and green and 5/8 and 3/4, translucent or opaque and look nothing like the other Lawn Chairs/Metalics. Kinda confusing on the name then. Yours looks to be a cool 1" Metalics run various sizes run and marketed. There was a lot of information on this and after some digging it appears that the ones in my collection are also from the same Metallics! 🫢 What hope did I have of thinking they would unknowingly be from the original run? LOL!!!! They didn't cost much and well I let my excitement get the best of me. There are worse things, they're still cool!!
  4. I'm so curious I went to hunting and I found this. I thought I included it last night. https://jaboandmore.company.site/8048-One-1-JABO-METALLIC-WOODSTOCK-LAWNCHAIR-2009-MINT-9-0-3-4-p120510368
  5. Yeah, exactly! 3/4. I recall the story exactly!! One of my total favesorites. I love the ox in this marble and the size I totally want one, totally!! But clearly it's heritage was the Lawn Chair.
  6. TY. Thinking JABO Wooodstock Lawn Chair maybe but the size seems large.
  7. Translucent green? Looking like Jabo Lawn Chair but with a thread of oxblood... ! What is size?
  8. Unknown upper left. Others Masters, to my eye.
  9. That's a great review of the marble identification process. I'm very happy to have my marbles identified by people who have that amount of knowledge and can even close identifying a single glass object from the millions and millions that were produced over decades!!!❗
  10. Thanks. I went nuts and got a nice collection fast!
  11. Oh, yeah, and the more I learn, the less I know!!!!
  12. Looking that way, lovely examples.
  13. I'm right there with you. The outside is still a hard head, but the inside... 😬
  14. Thanks, Ron, I always enjoy your running down of the possibilities, just such a visual treat! Fires the brain!
  15. I see an unsmoothed seam but it doesn't appear to go all the way around as you would expect it a double ingot. But the slight focus issue might be masquerading it.
  16. Thanks! That red Auger is the bomb.
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