The clear ones, clearies, have no real collector value and some of those look like the solid color are likely gaming marbles, also with little collector value as many companies made them and you can't have determine manufacturer. As for what are reactive to UV, it depends on the glass and all manufacturers of all eras, including modern marble makers, use or used glass that's UV reactive. There are instances where it is to create a specific color but mostly it is just the cullet - the glass that is melted to make the marbles - that is used. In other words you can't use it to date a marble as being old or new and you cannot tell which manufacturer, it doesn't help you tell what manufacturer. There's a lot of attention to it these days but it really doesn't tell you much. It's just fun, although in some instances some people do think it raises the value.
As for your marbles separate those clearies and solids out and shoot fewer like three or four to a shot, get closer, have it in focus and show at least both seams. It's difficult to tell exactly what you have.