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Everything posted by Jzoook6

  1. I think that's just my shoddy photography, It doesn't have any typical Jabo knocks.
  2. Isn't it lovely? Thank you for looking! Doesn't look like a CAC or a MFC to me either, tho I have seen the fewest of them so far. Heaton?
  3. Another sleeper stunner. Akro? I guess it could be a Jabo, but it seems too graceful or something. .60 Thanks in advance for any thoughts
  4. Tannish mustard and white chunky swirl. Is this a Champion? Or an Alley? .65 Thank you in advance for any thoughts.
  5. Just confirming this is a Vitro Trilite and not a weird Akro or something. .62 Thanks in advance
  6. yes! I actually thought it was spilled nailpolish until i looked at it close up and it was definitely not nail polish lol. Kind of has a chemicalish glow. But also, all three examples so far ARE blue-hued marbles. If anyone knows of one that is a red/warm color base, please share. I'm sticking with my cobalt theory until then
  7. WOW. Yea this marble feels like it was melted or something, but it doesnt look fractured. It has a molten glossiness to it that is unlike any marble I have touched so far. But also, aren't there some crazy reactions that come from the mixing of some of the compounds that are used in cool colors with the compounds used in warm colors?
  8. Mine I think are clearly more Vitro than yours, but the way the long seam comes out of the corner of the "windshield' looks the same IMO
  9. Ooo I will have to check it out, thank you! I am not a chemist, but I think some cobalt compounds will turn bright pink when exposed to water. But that would only make sense for the marbles that are blueish. 🤷‍♀️ But logistically speaking, could these marbles have gotten sprinkled with water?
  10. Is it more common with particular colors of glass? I'm wondering if it could be possibly a funky Cobalt oxide reaction?
  11. Excellent info, thanks Ric!!! I was wondering if there was possibly some sort of metallic oxide in/around some marbles-causing them to reflect the UV bulb. Fake news?
  12. Thank you, Gladys!!!!! Happy Friday!!!
  13. What the heck is up with this Akro corkscrew? It is not paint! It looks like a weird chemical reaction or something. Looks cool???? .65 Thanks in advance.
  14. FWIW i agree with you on the MK and what about a Jabo for lefty?
  15. Hot take, but I am kinda getting Peltier vibes now. Did any PPPs ever turn into an accidental mini cork
  16. I have some ones like that too, so I am equally curious.
  17. UNLESS mine were IDed incorrectly! But I do think our marbles are related.
  18. These were IDed a few months ago as modern asian 🤷‍♀️
  19. The OP looks foreign as heck to me
  20. Jzoook6


    Is the white kind of ghostly depending on how light is hitting it? Would it be possible to backlight that son of a gun
  21. Thought these were two Vacor Roosters (and they still may be) but one looks a little too jazzy to be a Vacor IMO (or else its an old one). It almost looks like a Peltier, but no bubbles? Left guy: .64 Right guy: .61 TIA!
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