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Dearly Departed
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mibcapper last won the day on May 2 2022

mibcapper had the most liked content!

1 Follower

About mibcapper

  • Birthday 07/24/1949

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    landof .... best political corruption bar none
  • Interests
    retired. living to the max. enjoying life. and marbles are a main interest,

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  1. ............................ full of memories .................... bill
  2. ........................... being low and lazy. enjoying the time ............... bill
  3. ................................ klik on pic
  4. guuuuud people and times were had ...... and yep ... some old times ... were the best ...
  5. go figure on city. will never understand why city has no interest????? but .... do u know who and ....... HOW much ron. on them scratch off tickets
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