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Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by mibcapper

  1. har .. har ... yea .. bit shy .. huh .. safety in seclusion. usually tread where i know.but, i do know these ... bill
  2. yuk-yuk ... miles and ... many miles to go before such a tag is hanging here edna ... appreciate the thought tho ... but i did haul 6 boxes up those steps to match em up. didn't happen. base colors .. striping ... ox ... just didn't come close to any alleys i have. and .. gotta remember, i'm the one .. har .. that bought " those" pelts at vienna ... bill
  3. i always try and make it good marie. opporunity is still smiling. make today count ... bill
  4. don't really buy that david. i'm sure many can pic outstanding flames from their collection,from other makers, that are on par with chrissies ... alley made a few folks back then pretty nervous ... bill
  5. hmmmmmmmmm .... darn nice jabo there ric ... bill
  6. and most likely from pennsboro w.va. ..... bill
  7. giddyup .......... :4Party: ...... bill
  8. yep, they are steph. i don't remember the year .... but at the last ottowa show. with permission and payment ... i broke dirt in the lot across from the plant. shallow at best, and didn't take long to get after the pretties. had boyce and gino cranking their necks, mike was there too, before the fun ended. but, in years since, have also been allowed to touch the ground there. some of peltiers finest came out of that dirt. ottowa has yet to be discovered ... bill
  9. just a thought folks ... doesn't this dialouge belong in a personal email or phone call or ... in ur face ???? this keeps the ball bouncing .... in EVERBODY'S face.... MARBLES IS WHY I SHOW UP .... not personality conflicts .... bill
  10. pretty neat bruce ... bet that looks nice lit up .. :Happy_143: ... bill
  11. mike ... if i'm oflended .... can i have ALL ur pelts ... :Cartoon_177: ... bill :Cool_049:
  12. looks ottowa from here ... :Cartoon_177: ... bill
  13. well, gotta say thanks edna .. and ur also doing what these boards are mainly for ... showing some pretty glass :cool sign: ... bill
  14. gotta keep in mind, when akro started up, many of the marble makers from up north migrated to akro when they started business with their awesome talents. and many ... many .. early akro's show patterns that remind you of m.f. or chrissy .... bill
  15. knocked the dirt off these in years past .... except the last one .... bill
  16. books .. books .. books .. i would think scratching on a bank .. sounds of the meandering river over ur shoulder.. and the FANTASTIC bunch of marbleheads vying to get ur position ... hmmmm ... a story there :Happy_143: .... see ya. bill
  17. thanks paula. saved me some gas .. :Happy_457: .. bill
  18. this site is in england, as most of them are .. i requested a estimate of total charges on a couple of items. heck, probably spent as much on gas already ... thanks. bill
  19. yea .... probably rite bruce .. :icon_lmao: ... tho i'm having a blast now ... .. bill
  20. egads .... i burned nearly a tank full this wknd. " trying" to find this product. from hobby lobby to michaels to every craft shop i saw. NADAAAAA ... folks just didn't know what i was talking about ?? googled funky foam and got krylon aerosal sprays ... i guess it's a ... buy one .. and start testing. i've never seen a finished piece so am a bit confused about what to get. thanks for the thoughts on this. ANYTHING to get away from the felt. my eyes .. cross .. after a few hundred holes .. :icon_lmao: ... bill
  21. thanks edna and charles ... :Happy_143: ... bill :Cool_049:
  22. grey matter isn't working lately ... can anyone tell me the name of a product for lining the holes in a box other than the felt padding ? i come up with .. krazy foam ..crazy foam ... funny foam ... but can't find anything on google etc. ... and possibly, a place to get it. thanks. bill :Happy_457:
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