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disco005 last won the day on June 29

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About disco005

  • Birthday May 24

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    Marbles, Hold 'em, and Tampa Bay Buccaneers (yes, even now)

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  1. I checked with a few pages, and MK was the final answer on these Happy MK Monday!
  2. Always love Akro Friday Here is a transparent green cork with a very thin blue line on a translucent base. -Jess
  3. Akro Friday! A transparent Orange snake I haven't been on for a while, I love seeing everyone's Akros! ❤️ -Jess
  4. Nice set of Akros ❤️ In that top photo, the three Green and Yellow Popeyes, that middle one looks like a glower. Is that a UV Popeye? -Jess
  5. Hi Ann I think I can help with Question #2: OP = Original Post or Original Poster
  6. Orange, Cobalt, and Green Popeye 5/8"
  7. My favorite day, Akro Friday A Special 5/8"
  8. This is an amazing collection, thank you for sharing!
  9. Blue and Black on White with a little bit of AV I like the contrast in this one -Jess
  10. Happy Akro Friday Yellow and a whispy White on transparent Blue 21/32" -Jess
  11. Blueblood with a little bit of AV -Jess
  12. Akro I like to call this one a UV party in a marble
  13. This is a great thread! Love seeing slags identified I put this one up for ID a couple years ago and the consensus was an Orange CAC slag. Happy Slags and Swirls Saturday! -Jess
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