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  1. Smitty,taking a picture of me,taking a picture of him,,,,,
  2. A couple pics from Sistersville,, The "Kris Parke" diet,,
  3. I dont realy like all the driving,but thats just part of paying the dues.I mix it up a little,along the way.Some times it will take me 12 hours,to complete a 4 hour drive.Other times its from point a too point b. Tommorow will be the 12 for the 4.Taking the "southern"route home from W.Va.Ill get to visit with at least4 friends,and a slim possibilaty,Ill hit the buffet in Bridgeport. Here are a couple of mis-q-laniuses,,,, Look close at the first photo. A drive by photo,in Bennington,VT. Another drive by,leaving a marble run,
  4. Where is that guy with the snare drum and the cymbal when you need him?---LOL Yes kokoken,it would be a pathetic pike,but its actualy a quite impressive chain pickeral,,,, Im back from theriver,so I geuss Ill put some fresh ones on first. Final score was 5 to 4,in my favor,with big fish honors included,,
  5. Get some more on later,Time to wet a line,,,,,,,,,Dodging rain drops in Paden City
  6. How about a play by play,of the opening of the Berry Pink box Ed Parsons and Ron Shepard,,,,,
  7. Uhhhhhhhh,,,,,,DEAD BEAVER!!!! Some times you see the darndest things,,,,
  8. Some early testing from "Johnny on the fly",at a tribute run.Wished I had my real toys with me,,,,
  9. Sprinkles,at play.This group,kind of looks like "Our Gang"----Odyssey run
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