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  1. The 21st Annual,Pride Of The Prairie,Spring Marble Show,and room trading. April 1st,2nd,and 3rd,2010 At the Country Inn Suites 217-872-2402 Located on highway 51,just north of Interstate,72 in Decatur,Il. Show display,April 3rd,9;00 am till 1;00 Open to the public,all 3 day,and admission is FREE 14 tables spaces in the conferance room,with extra tables available after 10;00am,in the breakfast room. Tables are $25 each Prize for the smallest,pee-wee handmade. For more info,contact:Chuck Garret 217-422-8454 [email protected]
  2. Ill give you $10 off,of any marble purchase,of $30 or more,from the marbles I currently have listed,in buy/sell/trade. There is no shipping,cost.I got it! This will be valid,until this sunday night.I plan on pulling,the currently listed marbles,and putting more on,in the near future. Thanks for looking. Griff
  3. They are not nice at all,,,, They are WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. I was looking around over there,and its looking like a buffet! Duffy has legacy's Andrea,with a mix of west virgina swirls Mibcapper looking for a Bemis shade Mike with the marble king truck and of course,my junk--Ive just added some 3/4 popeyes,to my buffet!--LOL Thanks for taking the time to look, Griff
  5. Central pa is at,about the same.Most reaching,just under flood levels. I only have a problem with run off,living on the side of a mountain.If my house gets flooded,somebody better be building an ark!
  6. KOOL-20lb block.I might want to refresh my memory on material saftey data. Arsenic discharge,copper dust,fire flash.There was something else.Been a while,and there was so much to remember,back when,,,,,,,well,thats all I can say. I wonder if they will fly out of my bb-gun?---LOL I was playing around with a couple small pieces,and the "bb's",all came out of one,that was the solid,brick colored,with limited,striations.Didnt find any,in the ox,with black/green. To summarize,,,,KOOOOOL (Neat,is also acceptable)---LOL
  7. I was playing out in the glass section of my shop,busting up some akro oxblood,and what did I find?--------THESE!!----Inside the chunk of oxblood.The largest is just under 1/8 inch.
  8. I dont know "who",made it,but its not an early german handmade.
  9. I would guess Jabo,2003 run.They were not all 3/4 size.They vary,on the + or - side of 3/4.Just the nature of the machines.
  10. Oh sure,another pair of hands,for scratching up marbles!!! Congrats,Grandpa.Ill reserve the rocking chair,on the front porch,at Decatur,for ya!
  11. I think I can modify,Jim K's fixture,to produce corkscrews.Can we do something with akro too?
  12. I am 100% sure that I dont know!! The figures remind me of Davis.
  13. Sure does look like its another squabble.Definitly isnt a marble related topic,anymore.
  14. Hey!!!I hope your not refering to the Pennsylvania or New Hampshire,chapter of Peta,That I am the president of!People Eating Tasty Aminals.I am also the president of the FRC (Fillet and Release Club).---lol Peta,kills more animals than anyone.Thats a fact. I just loved there "Sea Kittens",term,for an anti-fishing campaign.What ever they were smokin,must have been laced with some bad stuff. Theres a whole slue of these type of organizations Id love to slam.
  15. The 21st Annual,Pride Of The Prairie,Spring Marble Show,and room trading. April 1st,2nd,and 3rd,2010 At the Country Inn Suites 217-872-2402 Located on highway 51,just north of Interstate,72 in Decatur,Il. Show display,April 3rd,9;00 am till 1;00 Open to the public,all 3 day,and admission is FREE 14 tables spaces in the conferance room,with extra tables available after 10;00am,in the breakfast room. Tables are $25 each Prize for the smallest,pee-wee handmade. For more info,contact:Chuck Garret 217-422-8454 [email protected]
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