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  1. Them there marble munchers got me again!!!! I told Nadine those marbles put smiles on everyone faces,and those 2 have proven it,,,again. That cd you created is absolutly wonderful.I would recomend it to everyone. It is a "MUST HAVE" for anybodies marble collection. Im sure you have been told this many times,and is well deserved. Thanks for the great show coverage,and all you are doing for the whole marble community! Griff
  2. I got a fresh case of pissed off,but no marbles.I guess my find last week will have to do.-LOL
  3. I would be willing to bet it was Bud and Lonnie,with the "bonus" ride. Dont take the bet,unless you wanna lose!!------LOL Griff
  4. HERE'S THE LIST: Dan Grocki Bill Rlode Steve Sturtz Griff Decker Mike Mead Barb Mason Art Jones Bill Bass George Sourelus Ron Yutzy Steve Ode? Bud And Lonnie Mark & Dana Forester Ralph Stagg Everit Grist and of course,Charles Garret.Oh yeah,Some guy called "Greg11" is here too. There are more here,than on the list at the front desk. There are more,coming in,today. Seems there was a problem last night.The bottle of tequela didnt go far enough!!---LOL
  5. Gee toto,I dont think we are in PA,anymore!!!!! Griff
  6. Ok,here's the rest of them. I did have 7 of the alley patches.The rest came from the bag. Some akro patches.A couple of the red on yellow have the black line of aventurine. So do most of the green patches. Nice group of masters,,, There was a few handmades,,, These have some problems,and the jar is the left overs,, And another marble bag,,,
  7. It was just one of those things.I didnt go there for marbles.Not in the ad,in the paper. Every time I go to an auction,its 15 people,willing to pay $100 for a jars of newer marbles.If they are advertised,and there good ones,unless its a group of marble "buddies",they are going for the max,+++++++!!!!(as it should be,cause as a seller,collusion sucks) I did pick up a nice vitro,hybrid cat eye bag,today,but it just didnt quite have the "sparkle",of yesterdays,accident,,,,,, Hey Catfish,it was a song,a dance,and I had to run around the block,4 times!!And on the lighter side,the auction was right next to a fish hatchery. Doing more sorting right now,and its getting even better. You guys dont want too see them,do you?
  8. Its fresh stuff! I just love the purple ones in the group.They would look good in a "coffin" box. Out of the group,there are 8 that are not mint. There are still many marble to go through,some nice masters,alley's.Might get to it this after noon,,,,,,,,, Could be a good reason to go to Decatur,,,,,,,,HMMMMMMMMMMMMM,,,,
  9. I went to a public auction,looking to buy some walnut,wood,to make marble cases. Funny,I didnt get any wood,but,,,,
  10. Just as a guess,either it was too hot when it was made,or someone tried a torch repair. Griff
  11. Welcome back! Been busy as usual,myself.Might actualy be on the computer for the next couple of months,,,,,,,,,,MAYBE!------(FISH DO BITE,IN THE WINTER) Griff
  12. Thinking about it,,,,,,,,,Kind of a long haul,,,,, Griff
  13. As it should be. Dont like the political terms.Its not a dictatorship,or a democracy. Its Lou's board.Respect it,,,,, Griff
  14. Im heading up,some time on thursday,and will be hanging out until sunday. Manditory,Super Buffet,on rt 20,going towards B-town,,,,,,, Griff
  15. Welcome,,,,, On the issue of rarity,and current value(that I totaly missed-LOL),they are getting tougher to find,and run around $25 and up.My opinion is based on,hands on,and not fee-bay.(Havent had much ebay time in the last 3 months.) Griff
  16. I cant say its screaming,"Im special",to me. Griff
  17. Wished I could have been there! Thanks for sharing,Joe.At least I get a great taste of the show,from your post. I had to coin toss between,Kokomo,or a week and a half in the New England area of the country.It was a tough call,but the Mt Washington valley,in NH,won,,,,,this time. Griff
  18. The dimensions on the Brawn and Corwin,are slightly differant than the akro thumb pots.They have the same height,but the diameter at the bottom,is slightly larger,on the B&C pots.Alley pots have a differant texture too them.I want to describe it as being a "chunky" type of glass.Its usualy a little more visable on the alley childs dishes. Dug examples found at Alley,in Pennsborough.I think Ron S has the first hand info on the dug pieces. Griff
  19. Already have the heads up on the chinese buffet!!---Thanks Smitty!!
  20. There have been,many,over the years,of "classic's" production that flouresce,under a black light.
  21. Thumb pots are 1&1/4 high.The one that are marked,"braun & corwin",were made by Alley,not akro.
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