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  1. Bump,,I added it to the list of shows,on this board.
  2. Just wanted to give it a bump. That shut off date for the club room rate is approaching,,,,fast.
  3. Might be coming out that way,soon.Where you is?---LOL
  4. Kool!----You will be fed,exceptionaly well during your visit,and you must be able to take at least 4 hour breaks,wading in the yellow breeches creek--------LOL
  5. Saturday,Aug 8,2009-10;00 am to 3;00 pm Worthington/Columbus Holiday Inn 7007 N.High st,Worthington Ohio 614-436-0700 Please make your reservations before July 19,2009 for club room rates. Room to room buying and selling will start wednesday,Aug 5,2009 For show or table information,contact Brian Estepp,[email protected] 614-975-1203 or 614-863-5350 Table cost $40 ea.
  6. The blue based is 11/16 to 21/32(its a little out of round)and the green/orange on white is 21/32. Blue is near mint minus at best,and the other one is what I would consider "hammered". Just couldnt see them getting away for the price of a hot dog and soda.(at a ball park) Hey Gatherer,if I burry them in the garden,you wanna come dig them up in the spring? The old roto tiller is getting weak,and Im looking for some back up.
  7. Hi Ann, The company is for sale.Thats a fact.There are all kinds of rumors flying around,so I dont realy want to add anymore to it. I dont think anyone KNOWS,whats in jabo's future.We will all just have to wait and see. Even the "first hand" information can change at any given moment,so what is true today,might not be tommorow. Griff
  8. He seemed to be pretty high strung,stressed,on the recent shows he had.I just wonder,,,,,,,,
  9. I heard you are back from your trip.Welcome back to the states.
  10. Didnt find anyone in the back of the truck yet,so I went out sunday and found these. Excuse the type o.
  11. Its all my fault.Please refer to my "Oops,I did it again",post,in a couple of minutes,,,,,, Griff
  12. do you think there will be an intermission?Maybe a half an hour,so I can sneak out to the river across the street? bump
  13. Been there,done that,and never want to do it again! The other side of joliette,on the way back from ammana. GREAT SHOT!!!!!
  14. Just ignore it and it will go away?---If I see someone getting mugged on the street,do you think Im gonna keep walking along,minding my own buisness.I dont think so.If you dont want to stand up,then please remain in the back seat, for the rest of the ride. If your opinion is to just ignore it,and you are capable of doing it,for MKA,then surely,you can apply that here. You will have to parden my language over there.I find it to be effective communication on that particular board.
  15. Gary,It ok to be human,and to be able to "back up the wagon",just proves your a good man. Hows that one go,To error is to be human? Its definatly a shocker,MJ and Farrah,and lets not forget Ed McMann. At least he made it to 80,or something close. "Here's Johnny"!!
  16. Hey,What I miss? I did give some of this a short read,this morning,but had more pressing matters in hand. Thanks you all for the compliments.All I can say is,I will always be,who I am,,,,just me. I havent gone over to check out the stupidity yet,but Ill give it a look.Seems there are some interesting fictional stories there for me to read.Im gonna see if theres enough words in someones post that I can re-arrange to suite me. I wouldnt want to waist too much time on it.There are more important things to do in the morning,like a good wipe,followed by a flush.
  17. Nice one! I just gotta add this one to you thread.Just got it sunday. Hey Jess,would it realy be a terrible thing if you thread got turned into a bunch of "eyelash" photo's?-LOL Griff
  18. A couple that came home with me from the local fleamarket,,,,,again!! Talk about some killer eyelashes!
  19. Sound good to me too.Some time I have the same problem,looking for a screw driver.Look all over the place and there it is,right in front of me!!----LOL
  20. Yes,the handmade/machine made thing is a differant animal from traditional marble making. I would think,machine made useing your method.If you did it by hand on the end of a rod,with some dopping wax,diamond bronze wheel,finishing with silicone carbide,all by hand on the stick,I would say handmade then. The one I make,Ill sign with my initial,"G",and then the initial of the company,with the year it was made. Just trying to give you some ideas,,,,,, Griff
  21. Have a safe trip,and try not to be in a hurry!! Im off to Jumbo's,on Paxton street,Harrisburg,in 45 minutes.(Little better selection,there)-LOL
  22. Hey Coolbrezz!!!----I wasnt in the mood for cotton candy,but pumpkin funnel cake with icing ,sugar and cinnimon will do!!--LOL
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