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  1. I was loading more stuff in the truck,today.Dont know if I can waite too much longer,,,,might start,heading that way,,tommorow. Griff
  2. Hey Duffy,can I get a couple from you at Sistersville? Griff
  3. So you think you might bring the fishing poles out of retirement?-LOL!!!! Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. I was having double vision,on the photo's at 30 am,east coast---lol Ill fix it later,,,,,,,
  5. Here is a couple of ugly ones. pst,,,,one of them was a recent $5 find.No,you dont win it if you guess which one!!! Side A I kind of like side "B",better,, Left side,, Right side,, Center,, Not sure if Im looking for green or black on this one,,,, Looks cool,this way,, This one is above and beyond in hand,,,,,,sleeper,until you put the light on it, Might through this one in the garden.I think its a little over sized,must be a reject,,,,,,,,,,, OOOOOOOPS!!!!! Not sure how this one got in here,,,I think it was a glitch,or something---LOL
  6. I think I might have a couple around here,somewhere,,,,,,,,
  7. Seems to me,that either 90,000 or 300,000,are very insignificant numbers,when compared to the production numbers from what are considered vintage,marble manufacturers. I think the illusion of the experimental runs at jabo,being "mass" produced,is created by current,availability,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Those problem marbles and leftover cullet,make for some awsome tops,compliments of Andy Davis! Griff
  8. Could have been,debris on the rollers,or the glass was too hot,when it was made.
  9. Down Town, Sistersville, WV. Buy sell trade Watch marble being made Childrens marble tournament Attend a marble auction Play bingo, provided by The Friendly, WV Lions club. Great food! FREE VENDOR SET UP AND FREE ADMISSION! LIMITED EDITION 2009 MARBLE AND STANDS. HOTELS AND MOTELS: D&D motel, New Martinsville,WV 304-337-8558 Budget Inn 304-455-2750 Plaza Inn 304-455-4490 Travelers Inn 304-455-3355 Amerihost Inn 304-455-6100 St Mary's, WV St Mary's Motel 304-684-2233 The Wells Inn was closed, last time I was out,so you will have to contact Jim King, at 304-652-4030, with regards to its current status. I will see him in a couple days, and if there is an update on the motel, I will post the info. If anyone can come help set up canopies, and place picnic tables on Thursday, it would be greatly appreciated.
  10. In room trading,September 10th/11th,with the show in the banquet room,Sat.12th. Friday evening there will be a "get together",with a meal. Location: Hampton Inn Suites,US 31N.,Kokomo,Indiana,765-455-2900 For questions or reservations,765-457-2477 or 765-438-2318 www.indiansmarbleclub.com
  11. Ill be arriving,some time on thursday.Ill need a couple of days to get there,though. Dang fishing poles!!!--LOL
  12. Nice marbles,,,,,,yep,overlooked a lot of times.How many colors known,in the shooters?
  13. OOOOOOPS!------I think Im late.I was fishin'.Can you forgive me Bill? Happy B day!!!! Griff
  14. Both made by akro.The one with the turned up foot,was made by akro,for NY Vogue.
  15. Happy b day Weldon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,and many more!!
  16. WOW!!!!--That sure is a nice one!!!------I think a little ginger sauce for accent would be nice-LOL For the record,the only fish Im in fear of,are sharks,and that little catfish in the amazon,that will swin up in you,and enbed itself. Ive learned how to handle the sharks,and I dont plan on swimming in the amazon.(would love to fish it though) That 14ft laker would just make me reach for the big knife,and I would have to get the big box of ritz crackers!
  17. Dang!There is a lot of interesting things in this thread,,,,,about marbles. Hope you guys can hash out the past,before the "snowball" gets too big. Maybe you could work it out,in private,instead of blasting off here?
  19. Im not going in there,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,unless I can see some Dancing Kitty's!!!---lol
  20. Im banned too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!--------Didnt even get the chance to man up,for my own misteak,oops,mistake.He knew it was coming.I guess He just couldnt handle a healthy dose of his own medicine,either. Id have to say,over there,the conversion from the First Amendment crusade,to a dictatership was overnight,but it never realy had anything to do with the first amendment in the first place. It wouldnt suprise me if he already did some editing over there too. Oh,by the way,he has a number of "phantom" id's,for this board. Now I can go back to having fun with marbles and friends.I hope I dont find any more goodies this weekend!!
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