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  1. Marble enhancing drugs????Who let the cat out of the bag?????????
  2. I asked him how he fit 10 gallons,in a 5 gallon hat!!---LOL
  3. Sorry Scoop.That passive crap might work for you,unlike myself,when friends of mine are insulted,I DO HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY.Maybe you could try that at the animal shelter,for some scientific testing,,,,, I would think,that any member,of the Texas Marble Club,that has issue with what has,or will be done,should address the issues,with the club,FIRST,instead of broadcasting there "concerns",in a public forum,such as this.I dont know,maybe I was raised wrong,for thinking this way. There are going to be plenty of issues,as is with anything,new.Going "around the corner",looking for answers is not what I consider intelligent. This,shit that Galen posted,is a fine example.He posted this manipulating type of thread,intentionaly,with obviously more information in his pocket. Anyone want to call me a liar,based on lack of physical evidence? I do have to give credit to Galen,for NOT hiijacking someones thread for this one.Hey!That didnt hurt a bit! I'll post that this IMO,BUT,,,,,,,,(just who's opinion would I be posting,anyway?)---LOL
  4. The Maine Marble Show Saturday,May 15 To be held at:Best Western,Merry Manor Inn 700 Main Street South Portland,ME,04106 Tel:1-207-774-6151 Fax:1-207-871-0537 Directions:On Rte.#1(off exit 45 of the Maine Turnpike)Straight,to The Best Western. Just a couple miles from the Portland Jet Port. ABC Taxis available/Best Western had discount passes. Room hopping Friday May 14-There is usualy a group that goes out to dinner,together,around 5 or 6,That evening. The Show:Saturday,May 15,9:00am-3:00 pm,In the Governers Ballroom@ Merry Manor(same location) Admission $3.00/children under 12 are free. Show tables are $30,and extra tables are $15 8:00 am set up time For more info,contact,Gary Stetson:207-657-4165 Pauline Ciaramitaro:617-997-5451 or 781-231-0898
  5. Galen,Your perceptions of what a hall of fame,should,or should not be,are irrelevent. Your post is insulting to those who have been inducted into the hall of fame,not to mention,to those of us,who ARE friends of some of those inducted.
  6. 100% vitro Great parrots,,,,,,, pssst,,look for aventurine in the green Griff
  7. 70 west to 68 west 68 west to 79 south 79 south to bridgeport,route 50 west route 50 west to route 77 south About 10 minutes and 3 exits south on 77 will put you at the mineral wells exit. At the top of the ramp,their are 2 lanes that turn to the left.Stay in the right side of those 2 lanes.Its slightly tricky,after you make the left,at the top of the ramp.Hotel will be 100 yard,on the left. If your going to run,rt 50,out here,have plenty of gas in the tank,keep your eyes wide open,and keep both hands on the wheel.Some pretty harry,hair pin turns,steep up,and down grades.Beautiful drive,but will take twice as long,for twice the price. Chinese buffet is located across from the home Depot in Vienna.
  8. ITS THE LAST RUN!!!!!!!!! pssssst,,,,,,,,,,,,until the next one,,,,,,,,,,
  9. Brushed up on your German? http://www.knikkerwereld.nl/fotoglas_Europa.php
  10. I gotta avoid ,any extend time in the gulf waters,,,,,,,,,,,,, CANT AFFORD ANOTHER HOUSE!!!!!!!
  11. OOPS!!!!!!!!! Yeah,,,,I need to be reminded,too!!!!!-----Dont forget Texas!! I havent been to that one.Might have to fix that problem,some time. I like both,Cairo,and West virginia,Marble club shows. Could be an excuse to spend the week,fishing,in W.VA.--------Do yah think?---LOL
  12. Well,at least I think so. There are marble shows,coming up fast! Cairo--May 1st West Virginia marble club show-May 6th and 7th South Portland Maine marble show- May 15th Info is posted in the "list of upcoming shows".
  13. I found many,and I mean MANY,pieces,down by the creek,in Bridgeport,WV(Master).
  14. Cant say that I do,Duffy. I copied the info from mental. I always just showed up too. Find any wooden legs?I found 9 baseball bats. Griff
  15. The West Virginia Marble Festival in Cairo will be held in the Community Building on Saturday May 1, 2010 from 10 AM until 3 PM - -Admission is free to all participants and marble dealers may set up starting at 8 AM. There is no charge to the public for admission. Buying, selling and trading of marbles of all kinds are part of the program. Free marble identification available- - so bring yours. Wonderful food will be available for purchase on site. Road work on Main Street so follow the signs for free parking. There will be no Friday night event this year at RC Marshall Hardware. However, there will be a marble presentation and education program at the West Virginia Museum of American Glass in Weston from 11 AM until 4 PM on Friday April 30.
  16. I would say from the lower right corner,to the upper left corner. Kind of difficult with one photo,transparent based marbles,and a shaggy background. Hey!---Thats just like EBAY! How about a gray/neutral background,and maybe more than one picture,with the marbles rotated,(in the same position,in photo) Could be edjimacachunel,if it aint a bag of tricks,,,,, AFTER A SECOND LOOK-----The 2 on the right,the one in the middle,for vintge,and if there is a fourth,I cant tell from photo.... Editing by griff,without any retractions!---LOL
  17. Yep,I did that.I was doing a little experimenting,with some fine goldstone dust.That particular marble,was sprinkled,not blown.I was zeroing in on what classifacation,of frit can be used,without pre-heating,to place it on the surface,without having "texture". David M provided that particular batch of "lutz" dust.I didnt care for some of it because its a little too fine,and some,didnt sparkle.Kind of looked "dirty". I have been,fine tuning that size issue,here,in pa. During the Joker III run,I was playing on the rollers,off and on,and there are a very limited number,of those type of marbles made.(good colors,with lutz added).The largest group of lutz marbles made,during that run,was when they turned,and ugly brown and white.I hit them heavy with the lutz,for at least,a couple hundred marbles. I have many differant,mini experiments,with fritt,I would like to try,but I just cant afford to invest in many runs,giving me the opp.,to play. I have a box,of preped stuff,ready to go,if I can just get an invite,to come play. Gotta get a t-shirt made up."WILL WORK FOR MARBLES!"" If anyone would like me at their run,my only requirement,is that I get to keep,some examples,of my experiments.Of course,there are always guys,like Ed Parsons,that insist I take a couple jars of marbles!
  18. It doesnt bother me.I see that kind of "overlap",all over the place.Antique shops,and shows,full of farts and crap,(arts and crafts)and new stuff.There is so much new stuff at the local fleamarkets,and I find it easy,just too walk right past it.New marbles listed as old,will never end.(intentional or not). I dont mind the new marbles,posted in the vitage catagory,because of a sellers ignorance,but if its obvious,intentional deception,then the fires rage! Even fishing has that problem.1st day of trout was today.Id prefer to catch some wild ones,as apposed to the mushy hatchery fish. It was nice,today.I found a green,golden rule marble,in the box with the original papers,in a booth,right next to an orientals stand,with all that new stuff. (dont want to mention the three sulphides,and a submarine type) Oh crap,there I go,typing out loud!!---LOL
  19. I cant say that I am aware of any,groups or shows. Currently,depending on where you are in NY,Marlboro,Mass,in october,would be the closest. If your in western ny,the Ohio shows.
  20. Wuuuuzzzzat blendy melon thing,in the secund row?
  21. Theres some popeyes,european machine mades,christensen,alley,champions,jabo's,even some clays,as of 8;00pm eastern.
  22. Ha ha!--I bet you thought it was going to be an ebay plug!NOPE!! Heres what it is.I have 3 threads,in buy/sell/trade.Im going to pull everthing,some time sunday. For anyone who has interest,the deal of the day is,Buy one,get the second at half off.The second,must be equil,or lesser value. There is no shipping cost.I got it,,,,,, Thanks for looking,,,
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