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  1. OOPS!!!!!! Bridgeport/Clarksburg,WV. Hate it when I miss the obvious,,,,dang it!----LOL
  2. That used to be my specialty,,,,handmades----No sphere machine. Hey Ric,um,,,,,if there not collectible now,whatcha doin' with a collection of them? Send them too me,Ill look at them in MY window!------LOL Griff
  3. The walleye dinner at the Road House,was BANGIN'!!!!!!!Full filling!!Hangin over the plate!!!!!!! See poster above for testimony,,,,,,,,,,,,He has also lost his sushi virginity at,the show! Congrats on the open mind!--LOL Griff
  4. Cant find the flyer,,,please post it,if you got it!
  5. At the Best Western/Merry Manor Inn 700 Main street South Portland Maine 04106 Tel;1-207-774-6151 Room hopping,on friday.There is a gang that usualy goes out for dinner,together,Fri/6 ish Show is Saturday,9;00 am to 3;00 pm in the Goveners Restaurant ballroom@the Merry manor Inn For more info,contact Gary Stetson 207-657-4165 I will update this with confirmed info,regarding room and show table rates.
  6. The Akro Agate Collectors Club,2nd Annual Marble Show and Convention. Friday/Saturday,July 15th and 16th. The Days Inn,112 Trolly Street.Reservations,1-304-842-7371 Mention the show for the $60 room rate. The "Show",is Sat.,9;00am till 3;00 pm--Tables are $30,ea. for the show. There is going to be a marble and akro glass collection,,,for auction. I will update info.,when I find out more details. For more information,contact Roger or Claudia Hardy,304-624-7600,or 304-624-4523 email,[email protected]
  7. I told the waitress at Road House,that I was hungry from the waiting,so I glabbed the onion rings off of someones table on the way in!The look on her face was priceless! Thanks Smitty
  8. Maybe hand polish outside,as a just in case.Its minimal,exposure.If you do it inside,in the sun,you will see the particles floating around.Can never be too careful,ya know. Soap and warm water for cleaning.A little automotive,cleaner wax for shine.If its got any pits,get the tooth pick out. I only wash my marbles,that I sell.Never polished,or waxed.If someone is selling one that is "extra slippy",I put it back down. Nice for home use,and enjoyment though. Griff
  9. If you are useing anything that has an abrasive,you are turning your marbles from original,to POLISHED.You might want to think about that,instead of being blinded from the WOW factor,results Just a thought,ya know?
  10. Uh,,,,No----Not ready for that---Does this look like negative ten in NH,to you?-----LOL
  11. Could be a crown jewel,just because someone gave it too you,,,,,,you know,,,,the five cent'er thats actualy,priceless,,,,,,,,,
  12. Its possible.Lots of watchers,and bidders.All I can say is there a lot of familiar,faces/bidders,and I appreciate,every one of them! It is one that was used buy the Lady's,at the Ladies First run.
  13. You know,Im gonna slip some "bonus goodies",in with this.I wonder what it could be?Seems wastefull,not to put something,inside the tool.Not sure yet,but it has round holes.Seems like something should fit in there? LOL
  14. It depends on what YOU collect,and what "value" you use. Im not talking about just dollar sign,but it very well could be."Values",could be based on $$$,or its history,or even just cause you think its pretty.I dont think there is a Crown Jewel,in the marble community,but if its based soley on $$$,then mine would be something in a black/white calmsbroth,2 inches+.Of course,for me,someones 2&1/8 mist lutz is right up there. If I can swallow it,can I keep it?---LOL!
  15. Im at a loss for the words.I cant remember,not having a good time,a good laugh,or walking away without a smile on my face,after hangin with BO.I always had fun with Bo,pulling on each others "chain". I wonder who's winning?Id put my money on Weldon! Im grinnin" right now,because thats the way Bo would want it to be,,,,,,,
  16. I would have loved to had you with me,last week,fishing in negative 10! 73????,you dirty,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
  17. It might be working,,,not getting snow,,JUST ICE!!!!!!!!!DANG IT!
  18. Getting ready for the ugly,coming into south central pa.Might be in the middle of the ice.Hoping for snow or even rain,but it dont look good(near carlisle).
  19. You spreading them nasty rumors again?Wheres Lou at,I need a moderator!HA HA HA HA!!!!! I hope it goes to the moon for her! In reality,I dont have a clue,I try not to set expectation to high,but always have hope. Leaves less room for disappointment that way,,,,,,,,
  20. I not quite sure I know what there is to get?Killer marble and people wanted it,,,,,Thats pretty much it.
  21. Yep,I knew exactly what I was doing,when I gave it to you.Thats why I told you,that I dont give gifts with condition.Most people cant see past the end of thier nose.The actual tool,is being sold,but nothing can take away the memories.THATS REALY THE IMPORTANT PART!I can only hope that it does well,for you.I have confidence,that other marble friends,will help,if they can. This is currently the only pre heat tool that is available to the public.The others are retired,and in my possesion.There is only one of these,that is spoken for in the group of pre-heat tools,and it will be delivered to its new owner,at Canton. Its the guy that sprinkled the wine rocks,in the Odyssey run,with the purple and gold frit. Dont tell WV Rons,I want it to be a suprise!----LOL There are more important things in life,than any material possesion I have.Helping a friend out,is always,one of my highest priorities.Its right up there with the memories,,,, One exception,my first fishing pole,that my Dad bought for me.If someone wants that, they will have to get it at the yard sale for a quarter,after Im gone.--LOL As a matter of fact,now that I mentioned it,I think Ill take my pole to the creek,for a little trout fishing today,before we get the next snow/ice storm.It will be a good memory day for me! Catching a couple of brookies wouldnt hurt my feeling either!----HA HA HA HA! Maybe Ill tell you how it goes,,,Later,,,,, Im getting those good memories and feelings already,and I gotta go,NOW!
  22. Oh yeah,you can have a look at my other listing while your there. If anyone wins it,and is going to Canton,I will deliver it personaly,as long as I dont get snowed in or something,,,, Griff
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