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  1. Thanks for the cofidence,Galen,considering I never said,I couldnt be fooled. I also appreciate,that you no longer,need be,concered for me. What,is it,that makes it,look like a vintage marble?
  2. Looks good.Doesnt look old to me.Of course,I took the time to educate myself,a little,about marbles,and take full resposability,for it. Yep,you gotta find your own pattern,no flames,corckscrews,no patch ribbon,no random swirl,nothing with dots of frit,nothing,in any of the "classic",colors.------Well,I guess that dont leave anything left,so you might as well,just quit! Dont that sound rediculous?-----PSSSST,,,THATS CAUSE IT IS,,,,,,,,,,,
  3. I think I can sneak one out of the house.If not,I know this WV guy,thats in the area,that might have a spare.--LOL
  4. How about pickled eggs,pear jam,red and purple rasberry jelly,jalapeno jelly,key lime salsa,jalapeno garden salsa,dill pickles,mexican corn,volcano corn,6 alarm salsa,,habanero jelly? Any of that work for ya?---------My other half has informed me,there is NO,rasberry jelly!!!!!
  5. Its almost that time!! Friday thru Sunday,Sept 23rd thru the 25th Downtown Sistersville WV. Buy/Sell/trade,,,Watch marbles being made Childrens marble tournament Marble auction Great food The entire downtown area becomes "Marble Central" Free vendor set up Free admission Dont forget your 2011 Sisterville marble and stand! Hotels/Motels Sistersville/The Wells Inn,304-652-1312 Paden City(5 miles north of the show),D&D Hotel,304-337-8558 New Martinsville(10 miles north),Budget Inn,304-455-2750 Plaza Inn,304-455-4490 Travelers Inn,304-455-3355 Amerihost Inn,304-455-6100 St Mary's Motel/St Mary's Wv,(south on rt 2)304-684-2233 For more info,contact Jim King,304-652-4030 Ill be out there,ALL WEEK,for some reason!!!!!! Griff
  6. Had to cut a pee,short.---Shower doors started to rattle,a little,so I looked at them and said,to myself,what the????,,,,,bout that time,they started to bang and slide,back and forth. I passed a 4 inch wake,comming out of my 100 gallon aquarium,on my way out the door.
  7. I just wanted to thank,Edna,for all the marble photo's and information you have been putting out there,for all to see,,,,on the chat boards,and facebook,and in person. Your friend,,,Griff
  8. That there look,runs in the family,,,dont it,,Uncle Bill? LOL---Griff
  9. It wouldnt be a santuary,if I was there,,,,IT WOULD BE A FISH FRY!!!!!!! Great Pic's!!
  10. Its all good,as far as Im concerned.I love it!Collecting,dealing,marbles,going to shows,hangin out with bud's,"playin" at the marble factory,and pointing out the pinheads,on the chat boards! Sheeple:one who has the wisdom,not to fight an imaginary war,serve a pointless cause,swim against a rip tide,and believe the sun will rise,the next morning,,,,,,,,,, Griff-Ram
  11. Thats a good one to use,at the,str,,uh,,,gentlmans club!----BAH HA A HA !!!!
  12. HEY!!!!!!---I thought you had a birthday,last month!!!---You lookin to double up on presents,or something?? DANG KID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!--LOL Have a good Birthday,Bill,,,keep kool! Griff
  13. Yeah,what he said!!!!!!!!! The hobby,of marble collecting,has been migrating,since I ever got involved with it.I suspect,that will continue,until the end of my time,,,,,,,Im lazy,so I choose to go with the changes,instead of waisting,good time,on an "issue",I cant,nor want to contol. Its more fun,and interesting,experiencing,history,,,,,,to me The personalities are fun,,,too
  14. Just a bump,,,,and If you havent been to the Canton show,you need to go! Easy access,both highway,and flight,,,,If your particular about food,,well there is EVERTHING,near by,,,,and the hotel has a shuttle!! Realy great location!---Congrats,Buckeye Marble Club!
  15. I hope you will be around,near sistersville time.I can alway use another,enthusiastic helper!
  16. Liver and onions,,,,hold the liver,,,,,,,,,---LOL
  17. Have you been talking to a new,akro collector,that has,pickled red beets,and rasberry jelly on his mind,or something,Bill?-----LOL
  18. Have a goodin',Lou. Keep Kool,,,,,,,,,, Griff
  19. Realy?------I dont think they are worthless,,,,,,,, http://completed.shop.ebay.com/griff-mo/m.html?LH_Complete=1&_dmd=1&_ipg=50&_since=15&_sop=12&_rdc=1
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