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  1. Bumpity bump,,,,,,,,,,,,WV Rons and Myself will be there,,,,,,,,,,,,,Probably smell like fish!!
  2. That aint no "keeper",marble!!!! Thats a gimme marble,(Duffy,you should gimme that marble)! LOL Nice one Steve
  3. Buy multiple marble books,if your interested in "collecting" marbles.Study them for a while,before you start spending any significant $$$$$.They can get you started,but can also be confusing at times,if you do not take the time,to read,and understand about the differant companies patterns(structure). Marble shows,and discussion boards,like this one,can be excelent to further your marble hobbying.
  4. Maybe someone should send them an adult message.You know,kindly give them the bad news,with a little marble condition,info. They,currently have others listed,and it looks like ignorance,and not malice.
  5. I bet it rings like a bell,,,,,,,,LOL Look inside the bell,Is there a nice,"made in the usa"? Generaly,I find the crystal bell,most often,and then the light blue. Are the Bennet bells,marked with a "B",somewhere?
  6. I guess,Ill have to change out the fishing poles, from trout,to big flat head catfish!!!!
  7. I will miss him,as many others will. He was alway fun to talk with,joke with,and an all around nice guy. Dont cry because of his passing,we all will follow the path some day. Let the tears fly,because you will miss him.---I know I am. My condolances to all his family and friends,,,,Rest in peace,buddy,,,,,
  8. Who cares? they all look the same to me,,,bunch of foriegn made junk.
  9. Its all part of having friends,,,,,,,,,,My prayers are in. Griff
  10. Need a 9.9 kicker,for the special reg.,lakes. That 40 on the back will do! Went to the Hillbilly Magic run,and came home from the trip with the boat. My other half,asked me what was on the back of my truck,so I said,"What?You dont recognize 3 boxes of marbles? I DIDNT TELL HER,ABOUT THE BOAT THING,BEFORE I GOT HOME!---LOL
  11. May Alans passing be peaceful. Have no fear,we will all take the path,some day,and will shake hands again. You will be missed by so many,and will be honered in all our memmories. PEACE,BROTHER
  12. First marble,solid core. Blue one is an onionskin,,,green one could be an onion,with open panels,or a banded swirl. Machine made has a master look to it.
  13. NO LAWN CHAIRS!!----already has 4 nicely padded seat.WE,WILL,need 3. Got a compartment reserved for cooler use. HMMMMMMM,,,,clamp on rail,BBQ is a possible upgrade.Of course,Ill need the on board cleaning station!Some kind of tray for cleaning,,, Check out the name.Anyone know why?HA HA HA!!!!!
  14. Yep,that bowl is a rare find.Evidently,a collector from Carlisle PA,decided to unload thier collection at auction. I was happy,just getting the 7 thumb pots,yet alone all the others. The two 307 pots that are hand fluted,aint an easy find either. I was lucky,there was not any BIG interest in the stuff,at the auction.My pockets were not very deep,and when I left,they were empty! I dont know if its true,about the glass passing thru the spinner cup,before they put the gather in the mold.I would think the pattern would be exceptionaly wild if it did. Probably going to sell,SOME,to put some more accesories on this,,,,,
  15. I accidently bought a bunch of killer akro glass and a jewel tray!
  16. Its so close to WV,I can legaly use my WV fishing license,in the back yard of the hotel!---LOL
  17. To be held at the Best Western,Merry Manor Inn,and Goveners Restaurant. 700 Mian St.,South Portland Maine Phone-207-774-6151 Fax-207-871-0537 Directions:on Route 1,(exit 45 Maine Turnpike) Within 2 miles of the Portland Jetport. ABC taxis are avialable,and the Best Western has discount passes. Please make reservations early. Mention the Marble show for the special rate. May 19th 2012 9;00 am -3;00 pm Admission is $3.00/children under 12 free. Tables for the show are $30 for the first,extra tables are $15 8.00am set up time. For more info contact: Gary Stetson-207-657-4165/[email protected] Pauline Ciaramitaro-617-997-5451 or 781-231-0898/[email protected] Generaly,everyone shows up thurs/friday,and we all go out to dinner around 6,on friday. Great area of the country to go,"exploring". Not to mention the FISHING!!!!!!!
  18. Buckeye Marble Collectors Club Winterfest Sat. Feb. 11th, 2012 10:00 to 3:00 Holiday Inn 4520 Everhard Road Canton, Ohio 44715 In room trading day and night from Wed. 8th through Fri. 10th Free Shuttle to and from Akron/Canton Airport Hotel reservations 330-494-2770 Mention Marble Club for group rate discount. For further info contact Steve Smith or Brian Estepp
  19. Yep,they got to see me at my worst,,,,playing with marbles,hanging with marble friends,,going out to eat,,buying marbles,selling marbles,trading marbles,,,,, Yep,It was my bad side!----LOL
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