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  1. And yet,we have all mis identified one vintage marble for another. How many years have there been alley's and European flames in someone christensen case? Vitro's mistaken for peltiers. Champions misidentified as christensen. Marble kings as pelts,,,,ect ect ect,,,,, "Values"(refering to money),have been migrating since Ive been into marbles. Use to be able to by machine mades for chump change,and if you had a black banded lutz,it was a diamond. Believe it or not,there was actualy people,wanting benningtons,and clays. I remember all the hard core handmade collectors,moaning about how no one was buying them at a premium any more,because of the new interest in the machine mades. Those days are in the past. Time marches on. You know,if Sammy's or Jabo wanted to make mimmics,it would be done,and its obvious to me that it has not. At least on the east coast,Im seeing people getting interested in the vintage marbles,AFTER they have been introduced to the newer marbles.There have been a lot of people,wanting to know what good books they should buy,to get started. Maybe Bob Block can offer something about his book sales,being steady as testimony.Or not,I dont KNOW. Yep,when there is money involved,there are bound to be those type of people.Doesnt mean everyone is like that.I speak for myself,and am aware of the "others".Thanks for the heads up,anyway,,,,,,LOL
  2. Not everyone is cut out to be a marble collector. There is more to identifying a marble than the colors,or the pattern. The marbles are not the problem.They are only a mimmics to the uneducated. You have to do the work,and have the mind for it. Who says that marble collecting is only for marbles that were made as childrens toys?Got any contemporary handmades you wanna roll around in the dirt? If being made as childrens toys,is what your collecting is about,thats fine,but you do not have the right to define why anyone else collects them.Most people I know that collect them,go for what is "pretty" to them.People have their own motivation for collecting.Its been my experiance that if the motivation is money,its the wrong "buisness" to be in. Hey Clyde,,,define the "damage" you are refering too. If its something other than money,Id like to know what it is. While your at it,define reproduction,because I have not seen 1 marble from Jabo or Sammy's that I would consider a reproduction,by my definition.Look similar,yes,reproduction,absolutly not. There are more marble collectors today than there ever has been,and its not because of any peltier,christensen,marble king,alley,champion,or vitro.Vacor,Jabo and Sammys Mountain marbles have created more interest in the hobby.Its not a debatable or deniable statement. There is no mud in this post,so dont mis interpret it into something its not.
  3. Are you refering to the test run we did on 5/8,,,with the stringy oxblood? If so,Ill post some pictures of them.
  4. Hi William, I have to totaly agree with your last line in your post. In those auctions,its the people misrepresenting marbles. The marbles themselves misrepresent anything.
  5. Love the shows for the social aspect. I would like to see the shows,limit the number of days of in room trading to one or 2 nights.It might help curve the cost,and bring back the "spunk" and excitement. I make doing the show manditory,for myself.It supports the club/group and its the least I can do to show my appreciation for the work it takes to put on a show.
  6. My marble collection has evolved over the years. It doesnt even have that many marbles in it. Here's some non marble things that have made it into my collection. A nice boot knife that Bobby Newman made. A picture of Les Jones that follows you around the room.I can hear his voice when I look at it A couple Andy Davis Tops that he gifted me. An autographed box from Hillbilly Magic,that still does not have marbles in it. A small tin box with old trolling spoons in it. A "mud man",oriental figure holding a fishing pole,with a fish on it,of course. A small picture,marble box,with WVRONS and me,on it. A picture of Dave M.,Bobby Newman,Ed Parsons and myself,sitting at his house,playing with marbles. Thats just the corner of the shelf. Now there might be 25 dollars worth of stuff on that list,but I wouldnt sell any of it.So its all worthless,and priceless at the same time. I do make a little money,off of marbles.Hotels and gas isnt free.Came home with way less than what I left with,many times. Everyone has to "eat",when you go to the shows. Of course,it only takes one cheese cake,at the show,to make it all worth while,and I get to eat! Bottom line,marble collecting has always been in a state of evolution.It will take its own path.Im just glad the Jabo and Sammy's has widened the road. Of course,Jabo and Sammy's,are not making reproduction,so they are not relivent to the topic.
  7. I personaly dont put a $$$$$$ as my priority when it come to my involvement with marbles. I learned,long ago,it only leads to unhappiness,discontent,and not just in marbles but in life. Probably shouldnt get involved with marbles if its about money. Stick with the "Beanie Babbies",of the year,and know when to get out.Then move on,,,,,,,
  8. Nice looking,,,Im partial to the one on the right.Looks like it has a couple sprinkles.
  9. LINDA SIMMONS Sprinkled the misted lutz,2 times during the West Virginian run.
  10. HEY!!!!!! I do have 2 piercings in one ear,and from my Minni Griffeena Pear get up at ladies first,obviously no sence of shame!---------LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. I knew there was room for improvement so I nailed a 24 in. lake trout and a 17 inch salmon,,
  12. Here are a couple,,,,,,,16 inch salmon and 20 inch lake trout
  13. Thats no problem.Good to see you back on. Ill get us back on track with a couple of freshies a little later this evening. The fillet knife is comming out right now!
  14. Its the same way in NH.If its not a trout or salmon its junk.Thats ok,Ill clean up all the "trash" fish. Nice striper.I like hooking up with them in AC. NJ,off of the stone jetty. Ive never met a yellow or white perch that I didnt want to add a little breading too! Going to dodge thunderstorms today on Winnipusaki,,,,,Maybe.When its your time,it your time.At least Ill go HAPPY!
  15. Ok,just one more for today.Might target some lakers tommorow.
  16. The weather is chilly and damp,but Im all warm and fuzzy,after another good day today.No,not fuzzy like a 2 day old,dead shiner!-LOL Im thinking Conn. is on the way home too.Might have to clean out some fishing hole around Bobs. Well,you know,Ron,the bass will be hitting in July.How much you charge to haul a Hillbilly Bass Tracker to NH?--LOL Yes,its a bad pun,but it was good enough to make you look! Here is todays catch.Spent the whole day,fog/rain/more fog and rain.------LOVED IT! How about some "Live Action".Pretty tricky holding the rod and snaping the shot.
  17. Dang,I must have pushed the #3 on the computer for some other language. Accidently ended up in NH,after the South Portland Maine marble show. I told my other half she can expect me home,,,,,,,,,some time in July,,,MAYBE!--LOL
  18. cant help myself,,,, Im always tinkering with something at a marble run.
  19. Always liked that type of flame marbles.Especialy the 3/4 and up. Second from the top,right realy pops the eye.Dont usualy see the the top right color,either.Kind of a redish/amber?
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