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  1. Just wanted to say hi to Duffy,,,,,,,I seen ya peekin,,,lol
  2. I might know a little,,,,Ive been told,very little,but I find that to be usefull.
  3. Well,if its any help,current swirl producers have been useing round edged shears,while marble king has a "v" shaped shear.
  4. The Frederick County Youth Marble Shooting Program Third,Annual Collector Show and Festival Saturday March 28,2015 10:00 am to 4:00 pm e-Ventplex at the Frederick fairgrounds,Frederick County Maryland For hotel accommodations Wed thru Sun,are available at a discount rate of $75 per night at the Comfort Inn Red Horse 998 West Patrick St in Frederick. 301-662-0281 Mention the 2015 Marble Show. Rv parking,without hook up is available at the hotel Rv parking with hookup is available at the fairgrounds. For more info contact Art Staus at 240-397-0349 or www.frederckcountyknucker's.com
  5. Its a cold rolled reject. From what Ive seen,the strike glass isnt getting up to an equilized temp,as the base glass. The base and strike will fuse together,but the strike glass,being cooler,prevents the marble from being formed properly. Just my opinion,the strike pots need to be moved,back further in the tank,so the strike glass has more time to come up to temp. Marbles are supposed to be round and smooth,,,,well,as reasonably round as possible.
  6. Logic(with related facts) is always better than pure speculation. Ive never seen any "evidence" that alley made patches. Speculation gets you,"these were grandpa's marbles so they must be old". If I were to speculate,there was a lattacino factory in the last house that I removed the duct work.I found one when I pulled it down. Come to think about it,there must have been an alley and cat eye factory upstairs at my house.It was raining marbles when I removed the old ceiling tiles.Of course,I can offer,first hand knowledge,and explanation for the marbles in the ceiling.Kind of makes all the differance in the world,when it comes to the truth! Before I get a ridiculous response,I cant present any evidence that Alley didnt make patches.On that note,I dont have any evidence that Big Foot does not exist either!-(even though I might have met one,in 1986,in the playground lounge,in Enola PA)-LOL Now,its time for anyone to come forward that has evidence that Alley made patches.Not interested in "the sky is falling", speculation. THANKS RON,for re-re -re hashing this topic.
  7. I can go all tomb raider if I gotta,Ann,,,, Squam Lake in NH,,if you want the gps,it will cost you 4 rare ally shooters,2 chinese buffets of my choice and a bottle of baily's irish cream.(ryans or carolins will be sufficiant). As a matter of fact,Im headed there within 11 hours of this posting.Of course it will take me 9 hours to get there. 12 to 16 inch IS WHAT GOES IN THE LIVE WELL,,,,just killer gutta perchas!!!-LOL
  8. Well,If you stock it with gutta percha's like this,your marbles wil be safe. Gutta percha is Pennsyltucky slang,for the self explanitory picture,,,,,,LOL NOW BILL ON THE OTHER HAND,WILL LOOSE HIS MIND IF HE SMELLS A MARBLE UNDERGROUND. I dont know him if he jumps out of the boat with a scratcher and a shovel in his hand,ya know?
  9. Thats good to know Bob,,,Im always looking for a new marble digging site!
  10. Nope,,I dont have the knowledge to do that. Besides,it would cut into my fishing time. Galen,you should do it,because you make it sound so simple.
  11. I was thinking moonshine,home made wine and deer steaks!
  12. My girlfriend told me how easy it was to moe the grass,useing the lawn tracktor,and yet,she has never had to moe the grass. I asked her how she knew it was so "easy",and her reply was,"because you make it look easy". I asked her again,"how do you KNOW,its easy to do"? She got it,,,she didnt KNOW how easy it was to do because she had never actualy done it before. I bought a sleeping friendly couch,just for such an occasion. I hope she likes it,,,,,,,-LOL
  13. Looks like Ill be the guy selling spaghetti sauce and salsa in the parking lot. Gotta drop a boat off in Paden City first. Realy nice marbles in the auction!
  14. I was thinking of something,possibly in a hot pepper jelly with a bonus,,,,, BAH HA HA HA HA!!!!!!
  15. I was just in the loft of my garage today. It turns out,Im an accidental collector of squirrel poop!!! Ive got about a 10,000 piece collection up for grabs,for the low low price of absolutly free! (just pay shipping and processing)! I also collect fishing lures,but its not the vintage stuff. I like the ones that catch the big ones!
  16. Just a suggestion,in direction;;;; I personaly would like to see "mini" books,that are specific with updated information based on new discoveries. Something a little more usefull,than 100 specific marble,picture book. In this day and age,I can find thousands of images of great marbles,24/7 thanks to the internet,and sites like this. A good example of what Im talking about is the new alley picture book that Larry Alley III came out with. It is extremely helpful in giveing positive ID of Alley marbles.(not to mention the benefit of eliminating previously mis identified marbles). The term,unidentified WV swirl needs to go,and the only way it with be gone,is through research and publication. That is the area that NEEDS more attention,in the Marble Society. Of course,this is not the opinion of a newby.
  17. Im thinking it might have the pontential to be something contraversial.
  18. Im thinking we all have something else in common with these collections. Accidental dust collections!-LOL
  19. Probably show up friday some time,maybe thursday. Bringing a pile of real organic,canned goods with me. All from my gardens and canned by me. Bread and butter pickles,dill pickles,red beets,red beet juice, big jar of pickled eggs for sampling,maybe some hot pepper jelly. Heck,I might even bring some marbles too!
  20. Looks like a "superman" color combo to me. I cant say they look like a parrot too me. There will always be test runs,especialy when working out the bugs on a new machine, not to mention all the innovations that have been created in the last 10 years. Could be testing anything from a new shear,a differant type of base or strike glass,ect. Vacor make some nice looking marbles too! There are no veiled innuendos in my above comments!--LOL
  21. The easiest way to identify the differance between an akro,and an alley thumb pot is to measure the bottom.Im not talking about the glass ring on the bottom,that the pot sits on. Alley pots measure,just under 15/16th dia. Akro thumb pots measure slighly over 3/4 dia. Most alley thumb pots have texturing,and rougher mold line on the bottom.I want to say,a less refined finish than the akro pots. I say most,because on a rare occasion I have seen rough akro pots,and smoother alleys,but in most it holds true about the texture. As far as alley pots being "signed",Id give it a 50/50 braun /corwin or no markings. Probably about the same with the akro,,50/50 marked with akro logo and many with nothing or just a mold number. Im always in the market for thumb pots,even if its Rons leftovers!---LOL
  22. I hope that wasnt a referance to me Ann!--LOL
  23. There were lots of patches dug at sistersville.Most were known akro color combo's. Of course those blue patches on green moss,sell better as alleys. I still remember how long the champion corals were called christensen,,,,,,,,,,,
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