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  1. 3/4 or less is the shooter size in tournaments. Big marbles have differant "names" in differant areas. "Tom Trollers" "Boulders" "Knuckler" "Shooter",,,ect,,
  2. Hot glass and cold rollers. Marble surface temp cooling too fast on the rollers.. Less orange peel on smaller euro's because of the smaller volume of glass is more forgiving than the 1 inchers. Too large of a glass "blank" on the rollers makes footballs and eggs. Just a guess,,,,,,,,
  3. The number 2 is not common,polished or not, And testing sulphides with a black light is not 100%. They both look vintage to me.
  4. Yep,I call them submarine types.They usualy look more opaque in normal lighting.
  5. Those are some pretty color combo's on those marbles. As a "seasoned" collector,I would have to be a color blind moron with a hidden agenda to express an opinion that they look like vintage marbles. Im thinking the only marble newby that would mistake them for vintage,was one that didnt want to take the time to educate themselves,before spending any money on them.Of course,Ive seen newbies buy cat eye's,thinking they were handmades. Im pretty sure it aint the marbles fault,and I can also guess that why we use the term,"Marble Newby". I know for a FACT,that Jabo/Sammy's/D.A.S. marbles have brought more people into the hobby than ANYTHING that has been done with the marble clubs,marble chat boards,marble shows,or the vintage marbles themselves. Thats the funny thing about facts,,,they dont give a rats butt what your opinions are.
  6. Robert was a good man with bad troubles.Through all his troubles,he did manage to maintain a "good heart".I could see it as if I was looking at the north star. My only regret is that I didnt have the opportunity to get him turned around again. There is a lot of the could have,would have,should have,nibbling at me,but I know,at the end of the day,there was nothing more I could do.I can handle the nibbling,after all,its the kind of thing that makes us who we are. He was my friend,,,,,he is my friend,,,,,never forgotten.
  7. Gee,what a nice,civil,respectful,mature conversation. Good job!
  8. Sorry,,,I was busy,slaying the white perch in NH. Now Im getting the motorhome packed up for Sistersville and a differant set of rods for the Ohio River. Im guessing you guys are bored,,,,maybe you should get a hobby,,,, BAH HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!
  9. Okay,so we are playng for unsigned contempoaries?---BAH HAHA HA!
  10. Spent many evenings,swappin akro,beers,bologny and bullshittin. Sooooooo,sad. One of the first people I met at my first marble show.Ranked number 2 on my grumpy,funny man list. So many friends,taking the journey right now. Give me the strength to accept what I can not control. For Bud,,,,,,,I caught a rainbo trout,,,,,,,
  11. Recently,purple colored glass sulfides,comming out of florida,that have been given a radiation treatment,,
  12. "Same Run",can be accurate when describing the modern runs,like the Jabo's/Sammy's/DAS marbles. Even many of the Jabo classics can be determined to be "same run". The reason,it has been documented and or witnessed. We KNOW,Jabo Woodstock fit the bill,but even that was just one particular marble in a "run". Of course,as Galen pointed out,a "same run" for these marble is differant than when the term is applied to vintage machine mades. Its not accurate unless you do some assuming or speculating. Im sure there are some vintage machine mades that there is no mistake,they were done in a same run,but I wouldnt be looking at the masses of blue and yellow popeyes.It would be something unique and similar. Alan is spot on,with the carry over term,from same cane to same run. HEY!--There is a murder of crows,working on some fresh,filletless trout in the back yard. They all look the same to me.Im thinking they are all from the same nest. It doesnt realy matter to me,either way.If someone says "same run" when identifying similar or identical marbles,Im gonna think what I think. It sure does look nice,when you have close matches lined up in a box set. There is an interesting question that just smacked me in the head,,, Is there any documentation in existance,that might provide some details about colors and production numbers, of vintage marbles?--I mean,specific to a daily/weekly/monthly production and not just colors,companies used.
  13. Its obvious to me that the chinese have difficulties with the english language. Does the poo-poo platter sound tasty to you?-----LOL
  14. Not that I doudt it was said,but honestly,Ive heard that for about 4 or 5 consecutive years now. I hope,that is not true,,again. Its a very nice,marbling get together. Im not quite done with Bills shock collar yet,but I might bring the outlaw,marble digging,get away boat,anyway!
  15. Im thinking sunsets are crystal clear and "seedy" base glass.
  16. The machines had a + or - tolerance for producing marbles. A machine that was designed for 3/4 dia.,would have variation in the size,due to fluxuations in the temp. of the glass. Im talking about a 1/16 in either direction,just as an educated guess. I have seen exceptions at Jabo,when 2 marble "blanks" came together, on the rolls,making double ingots.Most of the time,they did not turn out well, without a little manual manipulation.
  17. Im thinking,"same run" is not accurate,but it is used because of the lack of a better term. If you look at jabo's,how many differant color combo's are there in the same run? If you look at the vintage marbles,formulas were documented so they could be duplicated. How about "twins" or "triplets" or something in that line?
  18. Whats "Ghandi"?--Is that the little korean dude that dances funny? GHANDI STYLE,WOMP,---WOMP WOMP. Bah ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!
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