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  1. GOT THEM! Thanks Edna,,,,,I owe you a dinner of your choice,AND one of my choice. Griff
  2. First thing that poped in my head,when I first saw the marble,,,,,headless horse man,,,, Hey,If I take a picture of it like this,,,,,,
  3. The body looks kind of tall for a cow?----Whatchya think?
  4. Thats about as fun as takin a nap,,,,,,, Im talking about cranking it side ways at about 50,going across a parking lot!-You know,,that Joey Chittwood kind of stuff-LOL
  5. I saw the Texas marble club's news letter had some pictures of me,in it. Anyone have a spare one,so I might be able to enjoy it in my twilite?
  6. Buckeye Marble Collectors Club WINTERFEST!!! Saturday Feb. 9th, 2013 10:00 to 3:00 Canton, Ohio Holiday Inn #330-494-2770 for room reservations In-room trading will begin as early as tuesday Feb. 5th FREE Shuttle to and from Akron Canton Airport (CAK) Free shuttle to and from local restaurants and shopping. For more info contact Steve Smith [email protected]
  7. I guess there is a little bity more to marble collecting,than just colors,unless that is your desired focus.
  8. Id like to try new method,and materials on the 3/4 marbles.They are a little more "forgiving",when introducing,extra glass in the stream. FAT GOLD ON A 3/4,,,,SLOBBER SLOBBER!!!!!!!
  10. Well,they did make red white and blue marbles,,,,just didnt have all three colors on one! -LOL
  11. Was there ever a company that produced machine made marbles,that did not make a red white and blue marble? If yes,what was the name of the company.
  12. I kind of have plans,for shoveling snow on sat,thanks to the weather channels forcast!
  13. Im going with,,,,head to the shop and work on marble stands,with shovel the driveway intermissions. Pretty white here in South Central PA,,,,I can see about 100 yards max,right now.
  14. From the Indiana Club Winter News letter. The 2013 Winter Marble show will again take place at the Comfort Inn & suites at the Pyamids in Indianapolis,IN 9090 Wesleyan Rd,off Michican rd/Exit 27.off I 465. The show will take place Sayurday,JAN,12,2013,in the 2 motel banquet rooms from 10;30-2;30. Admission is free. In-room trading will take place Thursday and Friday,through out the motel. Comfort in has again given us a discount on our room rates at the low cost of $59+tax,so reserve your room soon. Please reserve table space in advance so that we will have enough tables.First come,first serve. Please contact us with questions or reservations at (765)-438-2318 or (765)-457-2477. Also from the news letter,,,a list of shows. Jan. 12/2013,Indianapolis Marble Show Feb 9/2013 Buckeye marble club show,Holiday Inn,Canton OH,(330)-494-2770 March 3/2013,Kansas City "Marble Crazy",marble show,Holiday Inn (913)-888-8440 April 6/2013,Nutmeg State Marble Club Meet,Northborough,Maine? Contact Alphie Bard 860-564-3139.Im pretty sure its in Mass,and not Maine. (Early May) Arkansa First Marble Show,contact David Morse(more info to come) May 4th/2013,Cairo Marble festival,Cairo community building. May 18/2013,Maine Marble meet,Best Western,South portland Maine.(207)-774-6151 May 31-June 1st/2013,Iowa marble meet,Coralville Marriott Convention center,(319)688-4000 Sept 7/2013,Crossroads of America Marble show,Hampton Inn Suites,Kokomo IN,(765)-455-2900
  15. I was always amazed at how much damage there realy was. Seen it many times back when I was polishing marbles for people. Used to punty up with doping wax and do half the marble at a time(handmades).
  16. After a half a day,with a drill and a wire wheel in my hands,had to take a break and go marble hunting AGAIN,,,,,,,15/16+ In a jelly jar with 3 shooter alley's,and the rest Jabo classics. Love the mix,compliments of an antique dealer.
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