From the Indiana Club Winter News letter.
The 2013 Winter Marble show will again take place at the Comfort Inn & suites at the Pyamids in Indianapolis,IN 9090 Wesleyan Rd,off Michican rd/Exit I 465.
The show will take place Sayurday,JAN,12,2013,in the 2 motel banquet rooms from 10;30-2;30.
Admission is free.
In-room trading will take place Thursday and Friday,through out the motel.
Comfort in has again given us a discount on our room rates at the low cost of $59+tax,so reserve your room soon.
Please reserve table space in advance so that we will have enough tables.First come,first serve.
Please contact us with questions or reservations at (765)-438-2318 or (765)-457-2477.
Also from the news letter,,,a list of shows.
Jan. 12/2013,Indianapolis Marble Show
Feb 9/2013 Buckeye marble club show,Holiday Inn,Canton OH,(330)-494-2770
March 3/2013,Kansas City "Marble Crazy",marble show,Holiday Inn (913)-888-8440
April 6/2013,Nutmeg State Marble Club Meet,Northborough,Maine? Contact Alphie Bard 860-564-3139.Im pretty sure its in Mass,and not Maine.
(Early May) Arkansa First Marble Show,contact David Morse(more info to come)
May 4th/2013,Cairo Marble festival,Cairo community building.
May 18/2013,Maine Marble meet,Best Western,South portland Maine.(207)-774-6151
May 31-June 1st/2013,Iowa marble meet,Coralville Marriott Convention center,(319)688-4000
Sept 7/2013,Crossroads of America Marble show,Hampton Inn Suites,Kokomo IN,(765)-455-2900