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  1. The pattern can and is, influenced by the condition,and or texture on the rollers too.There is the "drag",factor,on the rollers.
  2. Lets see,Ive used a slingslot,wrist rocket,to shoot marbles,,,,come to think of it,I used a 22 to shoot marbles,off of a post. All foriegn made cat eyes!
  3. Those 2 look like popeyes to me,,just not the greatest corkscrew action. Communicate with your buyer,and see what is suitable,between you,and them. Everyone has there own "standard" of what is and is not,a corkscrew,obviously,by the differant opinions posted here.The only one that realy matters,is your buyer.
  4. I dont see patches,but I do see popeyes,that not all have the "best",corkscrew action. Offer to refund the money and have ALL the marbles returned.Unless its someone,you feel comfortable "dealing",with.
  5. Close to the coast,I hope,,,,,you know I like to multi task!----LOL
  6. Gee---I hope I can make it back from NH,by then,,,,,,,,,,,,,,LEAVING NOW!!!!!!! FILLET AND RELEASE!!!!!!
  7. Why yes,yes I am.Except its my own,jalapeno duck sauce.---not kidding. At least its giving others a chance to see the link that Steph posted.That is interesting,and shouldnt be left to fade down the list of post,right away.Oh poo,I left my hidden agenda slip out!---LOL
  8. If your refering to Rocky Mountain Oysters,,something tells me you havent tried one.--LOL
  9. Dial calipers,or micrometers,for accuracy. Most of the marble people I know are happy if your within 1/16th,of an inch.With the exceptions being pee-wee,1/2( 0.50),or any other bench markes size.You know the ones,,over an inch,,,over 3/4,,,,over 2 inches,,,ect,,ect,,,, If your useing a template,make sure it is accurate,to begin with,and non-flexible.If you bend it a little while you are measuring,you can have a larger marble go through,a smaller hole.
  10. Well,the thread started out great,anyway,,,,,,,,,
  11. ABSOLUTLY WONDERFUL!!!!!!!!! It was so much fun,so nice to be around all the "Marble Family". Big thanks to Jim King and his Gang,for all the hard work,it takes to do this every year!!! Its my favorite Festival!
  12. Yes,you can put 2 differant colors of glass together,to make 1 color.It happened the last 2 weekends at Jabo. Red and yellow,will make orange.Just depends on your "cooking" methods. I see blue and green,on white.You can have "color" variations,depending on the density of the strike. Yep,"color" variations,due to chemical compositions,and reactions too. Now where is the Coors?----LOL
  13. 29 again??????????--------LUCKY HAMSTER!!!!! Happy B Day!!!!!!!
  14. I hope you left a couple,for the Sistersville show!!! My favorite artist,,and the marbles are incredible too!!!!
  15. Marbles and fish?Never thought of putting those 2 together. I guess I could try something new,,,,,,,,,, If you believe that,I got this swamp land in the middle of the desert,on the dark side of the moon,I wanna sell ya!---BAH HA HA HAHAHAHAHAH
  16. To be held at the Country Inn and Suites 217-872-2402 Located on Highway 51,just north of Interstate 72,in Decatur,IL Show/display:Nov.,5th,Saturday 9:00am--1;00pm,or later. Open to the public,all 3 days---FREE ADMISSION Room trading,buying and selling all 3 days. There will be 13 tables,in the conference room,and extra tables available,after 10:00 am,in the breakfast room Tables are $25 each Contact Chuck Garret 217-422-8454 [email protected] Good food,realy close too!!!!!
  17. Yes,just about any marble can be used by anyone,in a deceptive situation,either by a photo,or even a story. Its not the marbles fault. Yep,I can see an alley,"look",at a quick glance,but marble collecting is about fine details. My advise to anyone who chooses to collect marbles,and $$$$$$$$$$ is what you consider value, Have the wisdom,to say,I dont know what it is,if you dont. Always remember,if it seems too good to be true,it probably is. If you are willing to take a $chance$ on a guess,accept the consequences,good or bad. I like a little of that value,in my pocket,but for me,Its a way bigger picture,with all the friends.
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