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  1. Ive had sizes from a hair under 11/16,up to 3/4 dia. I first heard the names,sweet pea and black eye pea in 96',from cathy runyan. I find them to be more rare than any size parrot.
  2. Its so corny and annoying,its catchy. Sing it with me,,,,, Give me back my fillet of fish,give me that fish,,,,,,,,,,,, The sandwich sucks.
  3. There are some other options to ebay.If you have some things you want to sell outright,you could post some for sale in the buy/sell/trade section. There is also a new,marble auction site. http://www.mibbay.com/index.php
  4. Thats possible to,but not just a plain green. Something in a wicked blue green combo would be nice.
  5. Southern Indiana Marble Show Dates: Friday, July 10, 2009 & Saturday, July 11, 2009 City: Columbus, Indiana Location: Holiday Inn 812-372-1541 Show Contact: Bob 812-498-5410 Contact Email: [email protected]
  6. Come on,,,show us the rest of the goodies you got there!!! Couldnt make "empire",Rich wasnt feeling well..
  7. Yes,pot the info please!!---------was typing a little too quick there--- :icon_lmao: :icon_lmao:
  8. Ive seem to have misplaced my flyer,somewhere between new philly and home. Can someone please pot the info? Thanks
  9. Upcoming WVMCC Show 2009 WEST VIRGINIA MARBLE COLLECTORS’ CLUB (A Not for Profit Organization) Annual Marble Show Saturday, May 9, 2009 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Grand Pointe Conference Center— Vienna, WV FREE ADMISSION In-Room Trading May 7th & 8th Hotel Accommodations available next door at the Wingate Inn 1502 Grand Central Avenue (Rt.14) Vienna, WV 26105 For Reservations, call 304-295-5501 to receive special room rate of $79 ~2 people Rooms available on First Serve Basis All Rooms Non-Smoking Expanded Breakfast Check–In 3:00 p.m.; Check-Out 12:00 noon Make Your Reservations Early Limited Number of Rooms Available For Show information, contact : Ruby Sellers at 304-684-1337 (email [email protected]) or Howard Powell at 304-428-4234. Show Tables Fees: WVMCC Members—$30 for 1/$50 for 2 Non-Club Members—$35 for 1/$60 for 2 Show will recognize the marbles of JABO Annual Business Meeting in Hospitality Room on Friday (May 8) at 7:00 p.m. (Grand Central Mall, Wal-Mart, K-Mart, and numerous restaurants and shopping centers all located within a mile of facilities)
  10. Is that 7 ebay colors,or just regular 7 colors?-------LOL SHOW ME!!!!!!!
  11. Here ya go! They are the smallest "flower pot" akro made.They are 1&1/4" high. Of course,Im looking for examples without chips,or the drain hole knocked out.
  12. I put a want ad in buy sell trade.Willing to trade some marbles for them.
  13. It was one of those,"I had to have it",items.I bought it,just in time,because Larry came back to the show to get it. Man,that sure did dip into my bait money!!------ :icon_lmao:
  14. Akro Agate 312 vase.It is only trumped,by the strawberry cheesecake,that I recieved from Chuck and Diane B.
  15. Its funny how the case got designed around the glass. I had picked up the 7 traingular pieces of glass at auction.1/4 tempered. Had the intention of them being a "coffee table" type display case. Oh yeah,one belongs to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. I might have them as "Display Models",at New Philly,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Ill put the splash gaurds on,when you see them Thanks catfish. Thats the kind of thing that happens when the fishing is a bit slow,and there's a shop in the back yard.
  17. Heres what 1 looks like.I made a 6 pack of them to take to New Philly. Put some "junk",in it to pretty it up a little.
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