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  1. Thats all of them,unless you wanna see a couple hundred fishing pictures.
  2. Just a couple from the Indy show. Nice drive,,,,,,,,,, Hey Joe,you gotta fishin' hole in the back yard? I think Chuck and Diane will have a cheesecake at New Philly,,,,,,,, I seen Gracy,dive bombing in some rootin boxes!! Must have been some technical difficulties,,,, More Nice Drivin' Time,,,,,,,,,,
  3. A couple of shots from Marlborough, Chris,"Jr."Park and some kid we picked up near the "Super Chinese Buffet". Some of Park products,,,,,,, Chris with his #1 fan,,,,Star----------expression is priceless!!!! I told Nadine I likes dirty blonde's,,, Ryan Wilder and some of his work.He a fan of the "Pork chop in a can",, This is Emily,,,Dick clark's grandaughter.I told her I know a dr. that could remove that thing from her ear,,, A little bit of "day of the show,"action,,,, Mark and Park,,,,,,,,,,,,sounds like fast food joint,,,, Doug Tisler,great person and loves handmades.. Steve and,Jim Morrison presenting the first of 2 known,"awards". Here is the evil,Jim Morrison No marble show is complete for me unless there is a little fishing time involved. Squam lake,NH. PSSSSSSSSST,,,,,,,,,,secret spot,,Perch Island. This is My friend Jeff,and the expression you will get when you get out fished at 6 to 1,, Some nice ones!!---It was the target species for the day,,,,
  4. Please ignore the photo dates. A little Sistersville action,,,,,,, Setting up time!! This ones called,"Hard at work",,,, Hey Duffy,Whats that thing called?---can-o pee? Lisa Shenk,helping with "MARBLE KING". Brian Shenk doing the deal. Just how many Davis kids are there???? Julia Powell,and some of he incredible hand painted's. I think there is something going on here. Oh crap,they seen me!!!!-------------Bud Cloven and Kevin Plummer Walt gets a little excited at these thing,,,, I didnt have many photo's from sistersville because I was a little distracted with what was going on with my Buddy,Kevin Ernest.
  5. I think it could use some more color.Maybe some images of marbles? It looks good,though.
  6. http://marbleconnection.invisionzone.com/i...showtopic=10533
  7. Great pieces!!Ive seen quite a few of those come out of brimfield antique show. psssst,,,,dont tell sue,she lives too close.
  8. National Marbles Tournament Inc. Welcome to our web site! Tournament is June 21- 25, 2009 The 86th annual National Marbles Tournament comes to Wildwood, NJ in June 2009. The "mibsters"(marble shooters) will compete for national honors, college scholarships and numerous prizes and awards. The mibsters will play more than a 1,200 games over the four‑day tournament. Champions selected from local tournaments held in cities and counties around the United States will converge on Wildwood for a week of serious marble competition and fun on amusement rides and boardwalk attractions. The marble game played in the tournament is called Ringer. It is played by placing 13 marbles in the form of an "X" in a ten foot circle with players alternating shots. The winner is the player who is first to shoot seven marbles out of the ring. "This tournament gives youngsters from across the country the opportunity to come to Wildwood and pit their skills against the best mibsters in the country," according to national committee members of the National Marbles Tournament. "Marbles is a game that has been played for centuries and this great tournament continues a tradition of competition, sportsmanship and good clean fun." The National Marbles Tournament was first held in 1922. The national committee operates the tournament which is composed of a group of volunteer men & women from various walks of life, from around the country that have a common interest in the game of marbles. National Marbles Tournament Inc.is a 501©(3) organization. Here's a link. http://www.nationalmarblestournament.org/
  9. Organized by the Perry Hall Mibsters of the Perry Hall Recreation Council Location:Perry Hall Elementary School 9021 Belair Rd.,Perry Hall,MD.21236 Date:Saturday,March 28,2009 Time:10;00 am to 3:00 pm Marble auction,with Glenn Freeman/Bellaire Auction Service Free appraisals of marble collections,chinese checkers tournament/all ages/prizes Door prize at 2:00 pm,(must be present) Learn how to play the game"Ringer National Tournament Game" Periodic tutorials throughout the day,for children. $1.50 admission for adults,all children accompanied by an adult are free. Scout leaders in uniform are free. For more info,call Mary Fiedel,410-661-2226 or [email protected] Or Helen Mohr at 410-931-1723
  10. Its all Rons fault!He told me I should get rid of some of the ugly's.cause the box was too full. I chose option B,and made a 6 pack of them triagles.(for now) Some of them do put you in a trance,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
  11. The most colorful one is jabo cullet.The orange with the "milky" base,is either fenton,possible some odd marble king. He got them from my buddy kevin(in the wheelchair),between christmas and new years,when he was up for a visit from AZ. The seller,is someone I was helping out,with there marble education,but evidently he missed the chapter on integrity. It would not suprise me if he was doing a little name dropping for his benefit too.
  12. Key words are"doesnt look like he's being deceptive". He is and I KNOW IT.Let me repeat that,I KNOW IT. I did contact him and I asked him if he was being intentionaly"stupid",to make better money. I KNOW,who it is. I KNOW,who made them. I KNOW,HE KNOWS,EXACTLY WHAT THEY ARE. The tri color is great in hand,and he should just sell it for what it is,instead of the intentional deception.
  13. This guy knows exactly what the marbles are.They are hand ground from cullet,that at one time was bought from me.I KNOW!!!!!!!!!! http://cgi.ebay.com/Akro-Christianson-Old-...A1%7C240%3A1318 http://cgi.ebay.com/Akro-Christianson-Old-...A1%7C240%3A1318
  14. Just got done with another round of marble cases.It seems there might be some of those,custom,triangle cases.They look like they should be full of alley's. Think Ill do some cullet sorting tommorow.Looking at a nice pile of christensen stuff now. Have to try and get a jump start on the fishing financing.I can believe I dont currently have ANY,valid fishing licenses,and its almost feb!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. Im planning on showing up some time thursday,and will be partnered up with "Brooklyn's Best",Rich Stremme. I plan on blowing out,almost everything,and no reasonable offer will be refused.Going to bring a pile of akro glass,freshly made marble cases,and some neat,odds and ends stuff. I always give special deals,to anyone with a cheesecake,or bottle of Baily's,thats on the trade table! Hey Smitty,where are my marbles??---You left Indy,too soon!!!!!!!!!!
  16. Ive lowered the prices on everthing of mine over in b.s.t. I will be pulling everthing some time soon,in prep for the new philly show. Thanks for looking.Griff http://marbleconnection.invisionzone.com/i...showtopic=10437 http://marbleconnection.invisionzone.com/i...showtopic=10428 http://marbleconnection.invisionzone.com/i...showtopic=10420 http://marbleconnection.invisionzone.com/i...showtopic=10417
  17. 50??????? Your just now broke in!!!!! Happy B-Day
  18. The one in pictured in post 5,looks like a champion fire opal.
  19. And for a group purchase,$6.66 seems fairly cheap. If I sell them buy the piece,or pairs there no way I would be willing to pay for the shipping,so if it comes down to it,that would be something I would have to change.
  20. You could be right,but you know how hard I am to get along with!!!!------ Always open to offers on any of the marbles.The worst thing that could happen is Ill say no. Maybe Ill put in a best offer section.Griff-bay???????????BAH HA HA HA!!!!
  21. Just dropped the price,on the ray laubs marbles,in buy/sell/trade. Thanks for looking.
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