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  1. How about the tempature changes,that take place during,mailing in the winter time?
  2. They both look european to me. Especialy the second one,with the split in the color on the seams.
  3. Between making marbles,going to the shows,and having a little"spring fever"(also known as fishing fever in my house),I cut back on my computer time. As for the recent banning, I'm not scared to be banned if I would turn offensive and disrespectful.I would expect and deserve it.It can sometimes be hard to disagree,with someone,in a respectful manor,but it is the way,everyone should conduct themselves. If you adopt the,"If you cant say it to my face,in person,then you shouldn't post it"rule,you can bet your on the right track. Everything does not have to be,"vanilla",but it should always be respectful.
  4. Yep,Thats the one. Mary tried to contact me,yesterday,but I was on the road home,from WV. There were 2 vendors an said about the state of the economy. Thats too bad,I realy liked that little show. Griff
  5. Couple hand fulls of cullet.Cant give up any trade secrets without a chinese buffet bribe!! Here is your clue--"The ball is in your court"----get it? No Ron,Im home now,but Im only 4 hours away,,,,,,,,,,,
  6. Yes,Im "extra pretty",after standing on concrete,around molten glass for a couple days straight. :icon_lmao: :rol: :icon_lmao: :rol: :icon_lmao: :rol: :icon_lmao: :rol: :icon_lmao: :rol: Im probably in a lot of photo's.It couldnt be helped.Iwas there,ontop of it,all the time,and loving it!! Dont worry,I cleaned up pretty good!--LOL That brittle was da bomb!It gave me just enough energy to make it back up to paden city,after the run.I was a little cross eyed when I arrived,but managed to colapse on the couch.
  7. I just got home.Took the senic route.Stopped in at the Davises,Roger Hardys,the akro site,the mastermade site,the chinese buffet,and a couple shops along the way. Multi tasking rocks!!!!!
  8. HEY!!!--I dropped that blue and yellow one in 96'---give it back!!---LOL
  9. Aint no EXPERT,at nothin' here! I know exectly how many marbles were made,,,,,,,,,,,,let me put it in technical terms here,for ya There was a bunch of them,,,not a huge bunch,,,,,,not a tiny bunch,,,,,,,,just a bunch of them. Just for TRIKER,nobody else read this part. Almost out of ham in a bottle,didnt catch any fish,didnt fall out of the trees,and Im ready for some pork chops in a can!Still in paden city. Hey Ron,pm me Dales address,he forgot a couple of those sistersvilles.
  10. Thanks Lou!Ill do some croping when I get home,to give everyone a little better view.Stepping out for a little ohio river action now!
  11. Here's a link to some of my photo's.I didnt want to crowd up this thread. http://marbleconnection.invisionzone.com/i...showtopic=10881
  12. I didnt want to over crowd the other threads,so I posted some here.A number of them are not included for security reasons. Triker slipped a short,and well deserved power nap,in the noisiest area of the plant,and then right back to it!!!
  13. I had my eyes crossed! :Cartoon_177: And it takes an extreme, lack of sleep to do it right.
  14. Yep,That kind of thing happens when you spend a lot of time,over the years,watching and learning.Being a machinest for 20+ years helps a little too. Dont want to forget the rust removing crew,when the problem was identified,Right,Steve S.? Just have to remember,it takes a good team to make it happen.One guy on the rollers(Triker),and another one one putting in the colors(Ron S.)makes all the differance. And the day time team,with Captain David M.,having it tuned in,to start with is as important as anything,else. We had a great TEAM effort,to get things turned in the right direction in the middle of the night. I am proud to be part of the TEAM EFFORT! The little hand is on the 3,and the big hand is on the 6,it must be 9 oclock---coffee break!!!!!!!!!!!Now where did my breaker bar git too???
  15. See,I told you! When we were running them,Triker,WVRons,and myself all though we got "beamed" to paden city,and ran some killer marble kings!!! Waite till you see the "lutzes". Try not to lose your mind!!
  16. Oh,no,I almost forgot. Duffy brought me the coolest shirt ever!!--Anyone want to guess what was on it?
  17. Oh yeah!!You know I just had one of those "lifes experiance",that I will never,ever forget!!Im so gratefull ,for being part of it. The friends,the marbles,the clowning around,having a good time.There is no way I would go to sleep for 2+ days,for fear of missing something. I would do it again in a heart beat!!! Im sitting here in paden city,with my buddy scott,playing with marbles.
  18. Keep your eyes out for the pee-wee champagne/blue and green aventurine.I know there were not that many. They were "accidents",that happened,during the 5/8's run. There are some in the 5/8 run that had,green and blue aventurine,+ oxblood,on a champagne base.JUST KILLER!!!!!!! Hey swirly,in the 5/8 marbles there are quite a few that have 2 seams,and there were some that were "helmets",too.
  19. Im still,not sleeping,but in a couple of minutes,Griff goes nighty night.
  20. Just what are you trying to start,Steff? If your not interested in chewing your knuckles,you should stop this,could have,would have,assumption stuff. If you have something to say to me,please send me a pm,instead of hijacking Lloyds ebay plug,with your speculation. Thats one kool box.Ive only seen a few,in my travels. Good luck on your auction! Griff
  21. I cant say Ive seen any with white,other than maybe a fine line,in the mix.
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