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Everything posted by chucks_mibs

  1. Brad, I cant answer your question right now as the marble is packed away.....but as I remember, there were no groves whatsoever in the mib.....I have to go and pick up my daughter I'll be back in about an hour or so....and I'll pull the marble out for a thorough inspection .....and also some close-up pics
  2. I heard or read something about reverse handgathereds...........it said something about back in the day perhaps it was politically incorrect to be "left handed" ....therfore that could be one of the factors that very few "reverse twists" were made.....anyone heard or read anything of the sort?
  3. Very nice marble Brad.......lets just do a trade....even money for the purple one.....lol
  4. Hey Brad, do yo have a detailed view of you avatar marble?...way cool!......does it look anything like this?
  5. Did MFC make vaseline Nine and tails or would this be an Akro?.....glows wildly
  6. Hand gathered.......nice nine and tail.......MFC? or German?
  7. The problem has been solved.......it was the difference between using the two different skin selector types available in the "drop down boxes at the bottom left of the page (IPB 2.2.0 Default and Large Type Skin).... Using the Large Type Skin is what is causing the page error, so I switched back to using the IPB 2.2.0 and wala!, no more errors..... -Chuck Jr.
  8. I am receiving page errors whenever I try to post. I am unable to post any threads with pics. this started happening to me last night and has continued thru today. Does this have anything to do with the message in "my controls" that says, "You have used 1.98mb of global upload space"....? perhaps I have reached my limit of global upload space?.....can one of the moderators please look into my situation? -Chuck Jr.
  9. I had to do that previous post........ I thought it was funny, but seriously here is my go-along….from Holland….marble is slightly larger than 7/8ths and the dish measures 2 inches. The back of the dish says: Delft Blue Hand Painted (the “ed” part of the word “painted” didn’t quite fire in the kiln and is a little obscure), above that is a wreath which looks like olive branches encircling a small letter “e” with a three pointed crown on top. On the bottom are the numbers 855. It was pointed out to me that perhaps this was a boiling stone, to be put in a pot of water to help the water boil faster......in any case, its an interesting peice.....
  10. This is just a joke people......just a joke.......But heres what "goes along" with a serious marble addiction.....lol
  11. Yes Windy, this is the one.......and it is huge....it weighs a little more than 5 lbs
  12. Heres one Im gonna show off a little.....An old english Doorstop Sulphide with a little boy riding an elephant.....5 and a quarter inches in green glass.......from the mid 1800's........have a look
  13. Hey Greg, just out of curiosity, does the Lemon Lime (4th one down) have a touch of aventurine in it?
  14. cool...is that aventurine in the center one?
  15. Wow I really like that reverse 9 hand gathered (pic# 8)......story has it that there aren’t very many reverse 9 mibs because back in the day, it wasn’t considered "proper" to be a lefty?......has anyone ever heard this theory before or have any other theories as to why the so few reverse twists in older Germans or American mades?
  16. Not to be a nit-picky, just want to learn......then what is this? a Ruby Bee or Red Bee? and is there a diference?
  17. Hello everyone, please dont beat me up here as I am new to the board and still learning its functions...I am a regular over at LOM and decided to venture out to other boards (the more the merrier). Iv'e been looking at this thread and its pretty interesting....so I decided to post this pic to see if I could 1, continue the discussion and 2, find out if I have a Golden Rebel here or just a Ruby Bee with aventurine....any response is welcomed. -Chuck Jr.
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