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Janice Goes Bananas De La Peltier


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Hey Janice, Just a word of caution . . . Peltiers normally have a a really clear base with zero bubbles, and some Heatons and Asians can look similar. Truth is, I'm not sure those are all Pelts - glass, color and structure don't look right on some of them, IMHO. The darker blue and white one lower right might be Pelt though. -Ric

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I thought this would stir a little conversation. I know that more than Peltier made them, but right now I don't have a clue how to tell. Been reading A LOT and getting my butt out there and hitting the street looking at marbles for sale. It's been fun hitting some old haunts and asking questions. Seems to be not a lot of collectors here, so the choices are good. I will post some photos of what I got today. Not much but I see them as tool for learning right now.

Thanks guys for all you input.


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Yah, I think we're looking at most or all Master here.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm under the impression that there were no black pelt bananas. With black, I'd look at master or bogard. I don't know if Bogard did that grape shade of black. Master did though.

Master also did white, light blue, pale green, yellow and various red and orange shades. Maybe others.

Some of Master's bananas got stringy.

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