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Yuku Boards??


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I've been trying to get into the Glass Addiction board since mid-day... It won't open.

So, I just tried Marble Mental and Marble King of America..... No Luck....

Is it me, or has Yuku crashed????












again.................................................... :Sad_headshake_tweetz:

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Really?....... No one else is having problems??

I still can't bring up anything Yuku.... Yet, everything else seems OK

Maybe Scott finally managed to get me booted from the whole site!!! ROFLMAO!!! ;)

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I use AOL and haven't had a problem. If you are on AOL, you could do a CTRL K for their keywords. The type in 'browser settings' and clear the footprints - making sure you check the boxes for temp files, etc. If you haven't done it for awhile, it'll take a few minutes to clear. That might help clear out some temporary internet page problem - sometimes the computer thinks they are bringing up a new page and it is just the same 'saved' page that keeps coming up.

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Big John, I usually have to go through that routine at least once a day.... I really need to do some house cleaning in my harddrive..... So, I figured I'd give it a shot.... No change.... :(

I have been unable to get to get on Yuku since yesterday, whether I use IE or Firefox. (And I'm not on AOL).

That's wierd.... I had gotten a notice this week that AOL had added some files and restarted the computer (not unusual) so I figured that was the cause... Maybe not....

I can get in without a hitch if I use Internet Explorer... It's just a pain to bounce around...

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