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Jabo Marbles Will There Value Increase In Years To Come ???

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Question --- Why did you think what you saw at Amana would be the only run?

My answer -- The story going around was that a notice had been posted by JABO that the company was considering liquidation.

... AND ...

After lengthy negotiations with the owners - a group of investors had financed a private run. They refurbished one of the marble making machines and purchased colored glass from Italy. The marbles produced were sold as an opportunity to own a final piece of marble history. With that story circulating in the Amana Holiday Motel -- the feeding frenzy was on ...

Ouch! Makes me want to ask some questions in the AM.

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Have you been talking to a new,akro collector,that has,pickled red beets,and rasberry jelly on his mind,or something,Bill?-----LOL

hee-hee ... and he likes sushi now too .. :white-flag-25: ... bill

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Marbles are worth whatever anybody is willing to pay for them and the price is set in the minds of those who purchased them at the price they were willing to pay.

If deception was in the works then buyers/sellers have justification to be upset.

But anyone who purchases anything hoping for the value to increase is gambling. One tornado, one flood, one earthquake, one drunk driver, one blowout, one E.L.E. and what will it all matter?

JABO marbles will go up in value! This is an absolute. There will also be times in which collections (boxes now sitting in various rooms) will be sold for under market price, but the same is true of all commodities. The price of Gold is set buy supply and demand, so are JABO marbles.

Those fortunate enough to either be in the know, or know how to look at and view the market trends will do better. But the collectors, the ones who's hearts are moved by the glass, who see the things only a collector can see.... PRICELESS!

I spent about $300 for 10 marbles 2008. 5 Joker I Originals, Two Joker II (Cyclone, Cobra, Blood Viper) types, and a few Oxblood Aventurine Oxblood's.

Today they are worth about $120 - $230 retail, on ebay with decent marketing. The J-I Cranberry is worth about $25-50 I usually sell them for about $20. Less if you come over and are buying a bunch of stuff. But I have a box of 11 that will knock your socks off and it's worth $1000 and not a penny less. Just because you might not be willing to pay that, doesn't mean my price is not valid. And I'm not gambling, because tomorrow I might just give them away. See I am a collector marbles are just one thing I collect.

Everything is for sale. I believe this whole heartedly! The question becomes not the value set in the minds of those looking to buy, but the sellers price which just maybe "PRICELESS." The term itself makes the point.

We don't sell our children, our wives, or any number of other things (including marbles- even JABO's) Some people do...

There are lots of reasons for this, details are not necessary. But when it comes to marbles, gold, silver, diamonds, meteorites, antiques, grandmas glass eye, or whatever valuable we might sell- the collector sets the price.

The value may be "PRICELESS" but the "FOR SALE" reality is the reason the "PRICELESS" label is there. Not because we will never part with the item, we know the day will come when we will. But not for money. Or maybe someone we love will need money so bad, we become willing to part with what is "PRICELESS" to help someone who is even more "PRICELESS" to us. Value is relative. Maybe we see the look in a child's eyes when they see the "PRICELESS" item, and suddenly the price has been paid in full by the twinkling eyes, and suddenly the items leaving us as the twinkle turns into a massive grin accompanied by unbelieving eyes, and WOW! "PRICELESS"

If you're buying JABO's as an investment, you better buy very low, the prices will increase. But the beauty, pattern quality, colors, and uniqueness will determine the value of your investment only in so far as the buyer is willing to shell out his or her dollars. You're better off buying the ones you FEEL are "PRICELESS" then no matter what, you will be happy with your purchase and that's what collecting marbles is all about.

Yeah I know, I said to much....




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Marbles are worth whatever anybody is willing to pay for them and the price is set in the minds of those who purchased them at the price they were willing to pay.

If deception was in the works then buyers/sellers have justification to be upset.

But anyone who purchases anything hoping for the value to increase is gambling. One tornado, one flood, one earthquake, one drunk driver, one blowout, one E.L.E. and what will it all matter?

JABO marbles will go up in value! This is an absolute. There will also be times in which collections (boxes now sitting in various rooms) will be sold for under market price, but the same is true of all commodities. The price of Gold is set buy supply and demand, so are JABO marbles.

Those fortunate enough to either be in the know, or know how to look at and view the market trends will do better. But the collectors, the ones who's hearts are moved by the glass, who see the things only a collector can see.... PRICELES

I spent about $300 for 10 marbles 2008. 5 Joker I Originals, Two Joker II (Cyclone, Cobra, Blood Viper) types, and a few Oxblood Aventurine Oxblood's.

Today they are worth about $120 - $230 retail, on ebay with decent marketing. The J-I Cranberry is worth about $25-50 I usually sell them for about $20. Less if you come over and are buying a bunch of stuff. But I have a box of 11 that will knock your socks off and it's worth $1000 and not a penny less. Just because you might not be willing to pay that, doesn't mean my price is not valid. And I'm not gambling, because tomorrow I might just give them away. See I am a collector marbles are just one thing I collect.

Everything is for sale. I believe this whole heartedly! The question becomes not the value set in the minds of those looking to buy, but the sellers price which just maybe "PRICELESS." The term itself makes the point.

We don't sell our children, our wives, or any number of other things (including marbles- even JABO's) Some people do...

There are lots of reasons for this, details are not necessary. But when it comes to marbles, gold, silver, diamonds, meteorites, antiques, grandmas glass eye, or whatever valuable we might sell- the collector sets the price.

The value may be "PRICELESS" but the "FOR SALE" reality is the reason the "PRICELESS" label is there. Not because we will never part with the item, we know the day will come when we will. But not for money. Or maybe someone we love will need money so bad, we become willing to part with what is "PRICELESS" to help someone who is even more "PRICELESS" to us. Value is relative. Maybe we see the look in a child's eyes when they see the "PRICELESS" item, and suddenly the price has been paid in full by the twinkling eyes, and suddenly the items leaving us as the twinkle turns into a massive grin accompanied by unbelieving eyes, and WOW! "PRICELESS"

If you're buying JABO's as an investment, you better buy very low, the prices will increase. But the beauty, pattern quality, colors, and uniqueness will determine the value of your investment only in so far as the buyer is willing to shell out his or her dollars. You're better off buying the ones you FEEL are "PRICELESS" then no matter what, you will be happy with your purchase and that's what collecting marbles is all about.

Yeah I know, I said to much....



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MARBLES? a small ball of colored glass or similar material used as a toy.

Are these really marbles, are these new Joeblows toys?

If I loose everything that I have put into marbles, it will not change my life. Not all interest are self-serving! You can value an appreciation for a period in time and the wisdom of some in that era. Some of us like to admire the effort some gave to making marbles for kids to cherish. I collect old, utilitarian things also. Just think how important these things were just to survive. Nothing came easy! It makes me appreciate the life I have, thats its value . If Jabo repeats what has already been done some 90 years later ..........whoop=dee=do!!!!!

I can't wait until they make a spinning-cup.................genius, just genius!

p.s Spend all you got on these rare a beautiful new thingies and if it's a bust.....at least you kept some on shore jobs and filled the investor's pockets. Sleep well zzzzzzz


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Beanis are doing as well,as a common christensen,,,,,,,,---LOL

There is nothing common about a jewel quality mint vintage slag marble.Compared to a mint vintage slag the Jabo is more common,look on ebay.There are more Jabo's on ebay then there are mint vintage slags,I know cause I look every day and all I see are Jabo's.Collectors don't want to sell there mint vintage marbles,they sell jabo's instead,they gotta sell something,that's fine.Theres nothing common about a mint vintage slag.:)

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Theres nothing common about a mint vintage slag.:)

Yeah,what he said!!!!!!!!!

The hobby,of marble collecting,has been migrating,since I ever got involved with it.I suspect,that will continue,until the end of my time,,,,,,,Im lazy,so I choose to go with the changes,instead of waisting,good time,on an "issue",I cant,nor want to contol.

Its more fun,and interesting,experiencing,history,,,,,,to me

The personalities are fun,,,too

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Yeah,what he said!!!!!!!!!

The hobby,of marble collecting,has been migrating,since I ever got involved with it.I suspect,that will continue,until the end of my time,,,,,,,Im lazy,so I choose to go with the changes,instead of waisting,good time,on an "issue",I cant,nor want to contol.

Its more fun,and interesting,experiencing,history,,,,,,to me

The personalities are fun,,,too

I totally agree with you about issues.We should remember we are just marble collectors,some appreciate history, some make history but marble collectors all the same.From what I read on the board you are learning alot about marble making and enjoying it,that always makes things come out better.:)

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Its all good,as far as Im concerned.I love it!Collecting,dealing,marbles,going to shows,hangin out with bud's,"playin" at the marble factory,and pointing out the pinheads,on the chat boards!

Sheeple:one who has the wisdom,not to fight an imaginary war,serve a pointless cause,swim against a rip tide,and believe the sun will rise,the next morning,,,,,,,,,,


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