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Anybody Know What These Are?


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btw this is my very first post of a picture...... :) be sure and let me know Galen, so you are sure the other ones are Asian? have you seen them before?


Good job for a first picture post. I remember how excited I was the first time it worked for me -- even if the picture was somehow upside down!
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Mark, those marbles on ebay uk are like Mega, they have a bunch of pretty marbles with stupid names on them. surf toon just happens to be the name of that one. its not like mine. i searched all of their marbles looking for mine and it wasnt there. thanks anyway.

Marie :)

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They make(made)marbles in Taiwan, Hong Kong, India, China, Japan, Malaysia, and probably other countries. Many Imperial packages are marked with several possible countries of origin

Galen, i cant thank you enough for the picture. its exact. i was trying to research marbles over seas and got extremely tired with all i was running up against. are these Imperial? from China? :) now, we have to id the others....:)


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The green ones are interesting but I don't have a guess for who made them. Having so many similar ones together would suggest that they might be modern. But I don't recognize them as a modern marble.

The green ones came with a shooter?

That sort of sounds like it might have been a Mega Marble set. I still don't recognize the style. But Mega does sell nets with lots of small ones and one big one.

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Marie, I think you may just have to wait until someone else comes across some. Maybe the next set will come with more clues about who made them.

They're a mystery right now.

No one is holding out on you. We'd help if we could.

Promise! ( :

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its ok Galen, i just thought your friend may have still had it .........

now, fatso was looking at the Jabo's in a book and i think he found the green one, maybe. its an Arpil 2000 run at Jabo.....

you probably have more info on that than i do perhaps you could look that run up and see what you can see. thank you ever so much Galen.


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