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Is This The Real Thing?


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Scott gets blamed for a lot of things.... Some for good reason, some not... But, this isn't Scott's style.

Bob is a known person / nutcase.

If he sent threatening, or vulgar messages through ebay, it should definitely be reported!!

Though, it would be a shame to ruin the income of a poor Czech starving artist!! (sic)

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It's not Scott.

I'd like to see some of those PD marbles, I've been going thur my books and don't really see anything on them. Maybe in another thread.....

EDIT: Okay maybe I found some. Are these this type. Pictorial Price Guide of Marbles, by Robert Blook (blue cover) Page 38?

getting back to CallBob.. Since he states he likes to travel and all. Hate to be at a marble show if he was "having a bad day" Something to think about. See too much of this stuff on the evening news.

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Very, Very, Very rarely does someone put in print what the are going to do, then does it, if it involves illegal acts. Usually it is just some poor under endowed mentally ill blowhard with a huge inferiority complex. If he does come to Canton, I invited him and gave him a good description of myself. So I can only hope he does something stupid, Everything has been recorded reported and put in place so I will be owning all his prized processions (he can keep the fake China) if he only wounds me(LOL).

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Here's a couple of genuine pennsylvania dutch chinas. The first one was in a Morphy auction, the second was from when I auctioned Lee's Marble Museum.



They are called Pennsylvania Dutch because the style of painting is similar to Amish and Mennonite work in Pennsylvania. The ethnic heritage of Pennsylvania Dutch is German and these were in fact produced in Germany. I have had the most luck finding them "in the wild" at the antique fairs in England, not over here.

There are some reproductions, some as old as about 30 years. The painting is much cruder and the porcelain base is not nearly as refined as genuine ones. In fact, I have seen some reproductions that were coated with a lacquer or shellac, and when they get hit, the surface layer with the painting peels off, leaving a brownish earthenware ball. That doesn't happen with genuine ones.

I think there is a repro in the Rocco collection, I'll see if I can find it and post an image.

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I had a fruitful discussion with law enforcement in Bob C's area. I don't want to go into the details on the open board but if you were the recipient of one of Bob's threatening messages and would like to learn more Bob's current status and your options, we can talk it over in PM.

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