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Isn't This A Little Excessive?


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That's a quarter, not a dime. I doubt that I can educate anyone. However, most collectors prefer to know the exact size, and not just have a coin for comparison to guess at the size, especially if they are going to spend hundreds of dollars. And it looks like a Spiderman, not a Gray Coat.

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Yes, it is my business. I have a Spiderman miller-type, and it's a big shooter too, with a nice pattern. It's for sale, and now I'm thinking maybe I should ask more for it.

good answer, maybe you should give a buy it now ,at not such an excessive price

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Awesome pattern, bold colors, condition looks great from the pics. I can see why somebody would want this for their collection to fill an empty Pelt spot and they had a lot of $$. Plus there looks to be a bit of transparency so it might look even cooler when backlit

you see it too?

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That marble has a noticeable fleabite that shows in pictures 3, 4, and 5. I think the base is opaque blue and it is just an optical illusion that makes some of it appear lighter or grayish. Of course I could easily be wrong.

Here is my "Miller" Spiderman, which is for sale for much less, and is much bigger. I got it from Marblealan a long time ago. When I look at it in hand, some parts of the blue base look lighter than others, but it is completely opaque blue.


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