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Please show me what you are referring to when you say aces. I see more than a few marbles in this selection that I have set aside when making beads because I felt they were too nice to have a hole drilled in them. I think I know what one is the aces but not sure.

Thanks in advance ........ All my best ..... Danny

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Here's some info on Akro's version of Aces:


Most people don't think to check their white based corkscrews to see if there is any glow inside. And sometimes the Ace is so dense that you won't see the glow even with a strong light, so often Aces are missed. If you can't detect the glow maybe it shouldn't count as special, but it still does to me if I think it's from an actual Ace run.

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What do you think is a good price for a 11/16 and 5/8 ace versis a regular white based cork? Does the size difference make a difference in the price? Also, what is the price difference between a mint and a near mint for the same criteria? Your help is greatly appreciated as I have people interested in my marbles so I am asking your opinion. I want to be fair, but on the other hand, I don't want to be lo-balled either. Could you also help me with prices on prize name, onyx, and tri-color in the same measurements and conditions. Are there color combinations that are more desirable than others? Any help you can give will be greatly appreciated. Please, if you are one of the two who have expressed interest in my mibs, do not answer this question for obvious reasons. Thanks so much for all of the help you guys give me. This site is the best on the net and the people here are awesome !!!!!.

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I doubt that Akro's Aces bring more than regular white-based corks. I could be mistaken but most people don't know about them so I don't think there's a particular market for them. I try to talk them up but I'm not sure they've caught on. :)

When collectors mention Aces they're usually talking about marbles with a moss agate base such as these: http://marbleforum.blogspot.com/2008/07/akro-aces-circa-1930s-or-40s.html

I haven't been shopping on ebay for awhile so I don't know how the prices are trending. My only strategy suggestion is to watch auctions long enough to register the trends. Other people may be more helpful.

For some reason the rule of thumb I think of between mint and non-mint is expect about 1/6 of the price with non-mint. Not sure why, but that's the figure which is stuck in my head.

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Here's some info on Akro's version of Aces:


Most people don't think to check their white based corkscrews to see if there is any glow inside. And sometimes the Ace is so dense that you won't see the glow even with a strong light, so often Aces are missed. If you can't detect the glow maybe it shouldn't count as special, but it still does to me if I think it's from an actual Ace run.

Thank you Steph, seems like I have at least a few of these in my non bead stash. After Suzi and I get done with two weeks in sunny Tucson doing the gem show I'll take the time to post some of what I think are keepers and see what all of you have to say.

Thanks again .......... All my best .......... Danny

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Unfortunately I have found that I have a marble theif coming into my walk in store. I had kept these mibs in their own zip loc bag until I could get them individually priced and photographed and when someone on this site expressed interest in several, I went to the bag only to find many missing. I only have one of the clear based yellow spirals left, and one of the mint green and deep reds. I have not double checked every mib but at least I have the photos so that I can find out exactly what has been taken. I am absolutely sick as I have also lost two plastic tubs of marked mibs. The mibs were in what I call translucent plastic egg carten type covered cases. I got the cases at Michaels, in their beads section of the store. I lost some killer mibs, many hand mades including two lutz. and others.

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