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I had talked to Cheryl about using his images to produce a book for Schiffer as a legacy to Alan. Later on, about a year ago, I inquired on location of the hard drive with the images from his auctions and was told that the drive, all image files, and records, had been destroyed. It's a shame, it would have been a really nice book.

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A very good friend of Alan's in Jacksonville, Florida has been selling, bi-weekly on eBay, mostly Contemporary marbles that were in Alan's personal collection. He's doing this at Alan's request and the money is going to Alan's parents. His eBay I.D. is "rabbitransales". I do believe that Alan sold the majority of his antique and vintage marble collection before his passing. His friend in Jacksonville may or may not be able to shed more light on this assumption or may be waiting until the economy improves to sell the much higher end marbles. Alan had more than a few hundred Contemporaries and his friend lists about 7 or 8 every 2 weeks. I have purchased some of these and have listed a Limited Edition Drew Fritts from 2001 on eBay ( under I.D. metalshelf ) should anyone be interested. It is #9 of 20 and was part of Alan's personal collection.

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Thanks for all the replies, Metalshelf you may well be correct, I knew Alan was short of cash and even told him to keep the profits from marbles I consigned with him. I also advised him to sell his high priced marbles because I knew the economy was going to crash. Hopefully you are right and this may have sustained him for a while.

Thanks all and best wishes.....Joe McDonough

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Well,If you stock it with gutta percha's like this,your marbles wil be safe.

Gutta percha is Pennsyltucky slang,for the self explanitory picture,,,,,,LOL



I dont know him if he jumps out of the boat with a scratcher and a shovel in his hand,ya know? :character-smileys-238:

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I can go all tomb raider if I gotta,Ann,,,, ;)

Squam Lake in NH,,if you want the gps,it will cost you 4 rare ally shooters,2 chinese buffets of my choice and a bottle of baily's irish cream.(ryans or carolins will be sufficiant).

As a matter of fact,Im headed there within 11 hours of this posting.Of course it will take me 9 hours to get there.

12 to 16 inch IS WHAT GOES IN THE LIVE WELL,,,,just killer gutta perchas!!!-LOL

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