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Frustrating as that may be they could call them transitions :) . There are probably more who know exactly what marble they are describing based on "Leighton" than those who are confused by the terminology. Combine the old school who have used that term for single ground pontil marbles for years and those who now use the term for melted pontil marbles from Ohio but know the history of the changes of marble nomenclature. Bill

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Its time they changed their nomenclature. It really isn't that hard. LIke Ann, it bugs the heck out of me. And if they call them transitions I might explode. Early Handgathered Ground Pontil German marbles pretty much says it all and even a knucklehead like myself can understand that description.

Does anyone think 1111 is old?

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noun: nomenclature

the devising or choosing of names for things, especially in a science or other discipline.

•the body or system of names in a particular field.

plural noun: nomenclatures

"the nomenclature of chemical compounds"


the term or terms applied to someone or something.

"“customers” was preferred to the original nomenclature “passengers.”"

THERE This may help LOL

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