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French marbles

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These were made in France and packaged for the English market. 

Old shop stock from somewhere between the mid 30's to early 50's. No company information on the box and I can't find anything on Sunnyvale to narrow it down.

We don't see many French made marbles on  here, although I suspect some of the European marbles that are assumed to be German may well be French.

Marbles are around the standard 15mm. I've not attempted to clean them but some of the brown colouration appears to be in the glass:





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3 minutes ago, Steph said:

Way cool.  I've seen packaging from France (labelled in French), but I can't remember if I've seen packaging which said the marbles were made in France.



On the auction listing I could only read 'Made in...' . I suspect a lot of English sold marbles would have come from France. I shall keep my eyes out.

The only other French marbles I've spotted on the site were these in the old thread you dug up:


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They're ringing a dim bell in my head, too . . . somewhere I have some info from a European collector about finding all of his "Euro" sparklers in France.  I'll look for it.

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13 minutes ago, ann said:

They're ringing a dim bell in my head, too . . . somewhere I have some info from a European collector about finding all of his "Euro" sparklers in France.  I'll look for it.

Thanks Ann!

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I found it --

"I only found a few of my collection [of Euro sparklers] in Germany, while I was there, the rest of it, I've found in France, every summer we have holliday in France and of course I did my homework there. For me it is 100% sure that the European Sparklers were also made in France, and I think most of them.

"In the south-east of France, there is an area, that's looks very much like the area around Lauscha Thüringen, also this area is famous about it's glassworks, for example the presse papiers were made there. The sparklers must have been made, in, or close to the village of Biot, in the middle of that area.

"More then once, this was told me by an antiqairian. Also the marbles here were made in the same way, as they did in Germany, by leftovers, kind of EOD's.


And a little later --

"About the [other] sparkler types, I really don't know where they have been made,  I can found them in so many European country's and there are so many different type's at this moment I'm a bit lost.  I've a sparkler type with Bonux printed on it,  i've also one with Bonux engraved,think the engraved one is older.


I have one with printing on it but I think mine says AJAX instead of BONUX.   I'm old.  I forget.  I'll look tonight.


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^^^That was the soap girl!  I knew I remembered a soap girl with a marble from somewhere, and that it wasn't the same as the kool soap man Steph posted in another thread, but I couldn't take it any farther than that . . .

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22 hours ago, winnie said:

I found my Euro sparklers in France and England,and here in Holland,but the most I've found in France.

Thanks Winnie - I'm unaware of any English marble factories (not to say that the general glass works didn't produce any as a sideline). I suspect that a lot of marbles assumed to be German may be French - the Sparklers and Wispers may well be mainly French.

There must be French marble enthusiasts out there who know more it's just finding them :)

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The following is written in the article "Dutch marbles roll over the globe"":

Since the war,the German marble manufacturing disappeared and the Netherlands only has one marble factory,

Also France still has a marble factory,but thats all there is in Europe.

The largest marble producer is Japan.


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