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One of my hobbies...

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... is making things out of glass. Mainly COE 104, otherwise known as soft glass or soda-lime glass.. But occasionally borosilicate as well. Some of my favorite things to make are these tiny marbles. It's really tricky trying to figure out how to recreate the patterns of classic machine-made mibs on such a tiny scale. Some of my smallest ones are only about 2.5-3mm diameter!


I like to put them in glass alcohol sample bottles especially because they (the bottles) are scaled down versions of their normal sized counterparts, so I end up with perfectly miniaturized version of the classic "marbles in a bottle". The really tiny bottles in the pic with the quarter shown for scale are miniature Tabasco bottles that a friend brought me from the hospital cafeteria.


Anyways, that's enough rambling out of me. Thanks for looking! Feel free to comment.. Compliments and constructive criticism is always welcome! 






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Right on! Those are pretty sweet! If you don't mind my asking, what did you pay for your mini marbles? Just trying to get a feel for what people are willing to pay for them, in case I ever decide I'd like to try selling them. Lord knows I have enough of them, I could prolly stand to get rid of a few. Hehe. I just have a hard time putting a price on things I make and usually end up under valuing  myself. 🙄

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