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I would put it with Alley.

I am changing my mind after looking at it probably six times. Because of the two cuts, the layering, the wrapping, the little road and tunnel. I will say CAC. 

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I am not going there into what exactly is layered sand CAC.  That can be wide depending on who owns the marble or what they want to sell it for ? With some collectors layered sand can also depend on the combination of colors.  When you attach the name layered sand to a CAC marble. We all know the value increases drastic just because of the name. Then the discussions begin is it a layered sand or not ?  In the end that is up to the owner, seller or buyer. 

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16 minutes ago, wvrons said:

I am not going there into what exactly is layered sand CAC.  That can be wide depending on who owns the marble or what they want to sell it for ? With some collectors layered sand can also depend on the combination of colors.  When you attach the name layered sand to a CAC marble. We all know the value increases drastic just because of the name. Then the discussions begin is it a layered sand or not ?  In the end that is up to the owner, seller or buyer. 

Makes perfect sense to me. Thanks again

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