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matte finish


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I occasionally run across a marble that has a dull finish. They are uniformly dull, more than can be explained away as play wear. I am wondering whether they left the factory this way or were subject to some sort of chemical reaction, post production. I have seen modern mibs that have a matte finish purposely, but I am wondering about the older ones. I was going thru my junk jar and wondering about this very issue when this one popped up. It's an old Pelt with a few dings. I have seen lots of marbles more beat up that do not have the dull finish. Anyone know the answer.  Thanks




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From my experience, it it's submerged in water (aquarium, etc) the finish can look this way over time. 

But it could also be play wear.  Imagine a few generations of kids running around with a bag/pocketful of marbles, and them all knocking together.  Some of the old German handmades got absolutely matte finishes from play wear. 

Vintage marbles wouldn't have left the factory this way, although some modern companies made them intentionally

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From the second photo we can see fine wear across the glass surface without much in the way of impact hits.  That suggests that it wore for some time against something abrasive - probably other marbles, or it was lost in the dirt over many freeze-thaw cycles, and then later found.

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