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Thank you !  Stephen has lots of work, expense and time in these videos around all kinds of marbles.  Free for marble collectors, if they use them. 

Wish they or something like this would have been around for me twenty five years ago. 

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Your so Welcome! I actually watched it with Patty's son, he was over yesterday for some of my "famous" chili 😊 Enjoyed it thoroughly...I had to smile, because each time you mentioned "there's only so many of this item known to be out there" he would look at me and say "And Ron's got one" His favorite part was the insulators and the story behind them. Loved it. I got him started with marble collecting last year 👍....once again, tip of the hat too yet another wonderful product! 

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Thank you William and Ron. It is such a pleasure to work with Ron ! He knows exactly what to say , has done the research, can fire off all the topic facts and is excellent on camera . The hardest part is deciding what footage I should omit .  It’s a win-win for us all! I’m glad you enjoyed it.

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