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Polish ? Or not ?


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I snagged as many beat to cr@p by 8 year old kids hand mades I could on EBay 20 years ago. I’m going to show the marbles I decided not to have polished followed by the ones I did. So….? Polish or don’t. This is not a question about the monetary value of the marble. It’s about being able to see the matrix. That’s it 🔥






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The frosted looking ones have probably been through a rock tumbler. If you want to see what's inside the sulphides or any of the handmades you have, try submerging them in a glass of water and taking a look @ them while submerged.

P.S. Please don't try to polish any marbles in a rock tumbler . They'll have a good chance of hitting one another causing further fractures or completely demolishing them,  and you'll be stuck w/ that frosty non see through surface that'll require another professional polishing to remove anyway. Hre is a link to the only person left I know that "might" polish your marbles, his name is Mathew, he has several vids you can watch before ya try and contact him. "Good Luck James""

LINK ::  https://www.youtube.com/c/MarbleGems

Email ::  image.png.f70704fcafc72c8e1dd78bce7df9d2ad.png

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On 11/3/2022 at 10:41 PM, Chad G. said:

The frosted looking ones have probably been through a rock tumbler. If you want to see what's inside the sulphides or any of the handmades you have, try submerging them in a glass of water and taking a look @ them while submerged.

P.S. Please don't try to polish any marbles in a rock tumbler . They'll have a good chance of hitting one another causing further fractures or completely demolishing them,  and you'll be stuck w/ that frosty non see through surface that'll require another professional polishing to remove anyway. Hre is a link to the only person left I know that "might" polish your marbles, his name is Mathew, he has several vids you can watch before ya try and contact him. "Good Luck James""

LINK ::  https://www.youtube.com/c/MarbleGems

Email ::  image.png.f70704fcafc72c8e1dd78bce7df9d2ad.png

I sent Matthew an email this morning inquiring about marble polishing.  The last YouTube video he made was over a year ago, but his YouTube channel is like that: a video here and a video there.  I'll let y'all know what I hear back from him.

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Leroy Johnson polished these for me in 2004. He’s not with us anymore but he knew what he was doing. He also told me about the Marble Boards. There might be other Polishers out there I just haven’t spent much time looking for one. 🔥

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Matthew wrote back rather quickly...

"Thank you for reaching out and contacting me.  I still do some marble polishing, but on a very limited basis.  Right now, I am in the middle of refurbishing an old house we are going to move into, so I won't be doing any marble work until later this Spring.  Will you reach out to me again around April?
"Generally I charge around $25 for big marbles that are 1.5 to 2 inches in diameter."  
So anyone with marbles to polish gather them up and be ready for Spring!
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12 minutes ago, rockgardenplants said:

Matthew wrote back rather quickly...

"Thank you for reaching out and contacting me.  I still do some marble polishing, but on a very limited basis.  Right now, I am in the middle of refurbishing an old house we are going to move into, so I won't be doing any marble work until later this Spring.  Will you reach out to me again around April?
"Generally I charge around $25 for big marbles that are 1.5 to 2 inches in diameter."  
So anyone with marbles to polish gather them up and be ready for Spring!

$25.00 was the going rate a years back for 1.5" and up, so it's lookin like nothing has changed. There were a few polishers I knew and they all charged the same. Glad Mathew responded so quick @ least you know what's up now  :thup:  I'll keep lookin since he isn't gonna get started till spring.

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