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Why Do We Collect?

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Why do we spend untold amounts of money on small glass spheres? I’m 35 now, been collecting antique glass since I was about 19. 

I started collecting antiques whilst studying geology at Arkansas Tech in Russellville, AR. I was hunting for fossilized ferns, which were abundant from the Pennsylvanian era in a creek by my college probably around 2008. I came across a bottle sticking out of the creek bed and thought it looked strange. I pulled it out and it was unlike any bottle I’d ever seen and had Russellville Bottling Works embossed on it. I quickly learned it was a Hutchinson bottle from the 1890s. 

I went back to that spot and found a whole 1880s-1930s city dump that apparently had never been dug before. I even found two giant steel 4ft long railroad crossing signs and both of them, which weighed around 80lbs each. I donated them to the railroad historic museum in downtown Russellville a year or so later.

Anyways, even since I’ve been obsessed with bottles and antique glass. I would dig up marbles and usually discarded them (which I wish would never have done now). 

it wasn’t until 2019 that I started learning about marbles after I found a red white and blue Akro popeye in an abandoned house in McKeesport, PA. 

Now I don’t even collect antique bottles or glass other than marbles. 

Marbles are just oh so fascinating. But why do we care so much about them?

Me personally, I collect to preserve their history. Nobody I know cares about antiques, let alone marbles. 

I collect them not only because they are beautiful, but because I want to preserve them and learn everything about their history. 

I fear that everything will be lost when it comes to understanding antique glass and marbles. Hardly anyone my age, and especially even younger than me gives two shits about antiques or learning about history. I feel like it’s my duty to keep the history alive. 

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I have always loved glass and antiques so it made perfect sense that I got hooked on these little glass orbs. I love that the hobby is infinite. There are really no two marbles that are perfectly alike. I love the beauty of the glass, the history, and learning whatever I can about them. I bought my first jar of clearies last summer and have been hooked ever since. lol

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15 hours ago, PittsburghMarbles said:

I collect them not only because they are beautiful, but because I want to preserve them and learn everything about their history. 

Good post Pittsburgh.
I have collected all of my life--old cool stuff that was in my opinion--just “old cool stuff”. 
It started with furniture that was defunct is most opinions, given the prices that I paid back in my auction attending days.
None of my family before me or any current family ever "collected"--anything at all. I am the odd duck. My older Brother is into collecting cars—but that has its limits. He was always been a mechanic, I am just a fixer (my wife says that I can fix anything).
History was always a fascination with me. I really wanted to grow up and be an anthropologist. This is a thing that never happened and it is not so surprising, because people are not my thing—just not my thing. I love my fellow human race but I do not like being around them—for too long anyhow.
I have collected so many things that I would bore you to list them.
Marbles caught me and they have held me for about 30 years now. I cannot explain it. I still pick up the occasional “cool old thing “once in awhile though. My only other interests are gardening and bird watching—life long interests.
The odd thing with me is –once I have it, I have no problem passing it on to the next—or the next (even my hard grown vegetables’). My display is small and it consists of boxes mainly. I sold some marbles years ago—just not my thing.
For whatever reason—I just love Akro Agate glass—it is hard to part with for me—but I will sooner than later. My kids, grandkids and great grandkids would be overwhelmed. 
I have more respect for marbles and marble collectors than I do for money—oh well. If I ever go to another show, I may well set up a free table and pass it all on to the next generation.
On to the next—pass them along!


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I think my thing is the thrill of the hunt, be it marbles, Blenko, canes, knives, etc.

it started with my grandparents things, a small box of marbles, an old pocket knife…

we also like to buy low and sell high when the time comes. Our kids want nothing, except my guns which they aren’t getting. Those will go to our executor as payment for having to deal with our kids crap when the time comes.

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I Started collecting like "art glass" vases, fenton type stuff, then got into the vaseline glass and randomly bought a lot of like 11 UV marbles from an Ebay seller.

They were gorgeous and like 4$, so I immediately liked how accessible they are compared to some of the fancy art glass stuff. I can still snag deals on jars/bags at my local antique stores that might end up being a like big return on investment so it's more of a treasure hunt then just buying an expensive dining plate and already knowing what it is.

The variations make them really fun to sort through and try to ID and categorize and then re-sell/display. 

They don't take up alot of real estate either, I'm really stressed about having to move all my glass stuff someday but not so much about the marbles as they are easy to pack and store. 




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